Why did Prussia achieve so much power in Germany by 1871?

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Why did Prussia achieve so much power in Germany by 1871?

The eventual unification of Germany in 1871 under a dominant Prussia was the culmination of many inter-related factors. The complete dominance Prussia had obtained in this arena was no accident. By playing with German Nationalism, Prussian Economic Power, War, the international situation and the failures of the Austrian State Bismarck had managed to guide Germany into an overwhelming position of power.

Arguably, this state of complete political control originally stemmed from economic control. In the form of the Zollverein, Prussia had extended trading links with virtually all of Germany by 1834i. Thus, by increasing the economic ties of Germany with Prussia, Prussia had also increased the need for Prussian backing upon those states with whom they traded. "During the [first] eighteen years that the Zollverein [had] existed contacts in trade [had] become some many and the interests ... so interlocked... that the tearing apart of these countries would be accompanied by the most damaging effects upon industry and trade"ii. Also, because the states that traded within the Zollverein were used to the rule of Prussia economically, it also meant that they were also more prepared for Prussian rule politically. Thus, in 1867 the creation of the Zollparlament, which was to administer the closer cooperation between north and south Germany, was more widely accepted than in the Zollverein had not been in place.

The implications of Prussian economic power do not stop at the eventual increase in political power. Because the Zollverein was a free market, it favoured the strongest economy. In this case, the strongest and most efficient economy was that of Prussia. Thus Prussia's industrial strength rocketed through the huge market for its goods, thus allowing continual reinvestment in further development. This impacted the way in which Prussia fought wars. By having more railways, more efficient cannons and having the access to unrivalled resources in areas such as the Saar and the Ruhr, it was ready to fight the new breed of industrial war. Its logistics helped I mobilisation and supply, and helped to achieve the short, decisive victories it won in the 1864-1871 period.

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But these victories in war cannot be solely attributed to the industrialised and efficient Prussian economy. Only by exploiting the industrial strength, in conjunction with other factors such as a favourable international climate could have been achieved. Bismarck's shrewd diplomacy, where he played off power with power, had a major effect. Firstly, Bismarck used the alliance system to great advantage. He knew that if he was to extend his power over all of Germany, he would have to defeat Austria, and gain the favour of the German states. Firstly, to defeat Austria he knew that he would have to fight ...

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