Women were the group most affected in USA by the impact of World War Two

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Women were the group most affected in USA by the impact of

World War Two

America entered the 2
nd World War in December 1940 after the Japanese Air force attacked American war ships at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. They fought alongside Britain and France against Nazi Germany and her allies. Although many American soldiers were injured and killed in the war, the impact on Americans back home was generally positive, as the US was too far away from Europe to suffer from bombing etc. America was far better off than it had been before.

I feel that the group of people who were most affected by the impact of ww2 were Black Americans. Before the war Black Americans were extremely mistreated; they were unfairly segregated, discriminated against, under paid and had unequal rights.

When the war began all Black Americans started work, at home and abroad. 1.154,720 blacks joined the armed forces to serve in segregated units. Abroad, Black soldiers suffered from racial prejudice still; they ended up doing all the menial work and suffered many insults from whites, including sometimes their commanding officers. As well as in the fighting forces, black Americans played an important part in the home front. By the end of 1944 around 2 million were working in war factories and received better wages than they had had before.  As the war was being fought against Nazis, this raised the expectations of many black Americans. It had been a war not just against Hitler but against Hitlerism, and the Double ‘V’ campaign stood for victory at home and abroad.

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By the end of the war the membership of NAACP (National association for the advancement of coloured people) rose from 50,000 to 450,000 during the four years of war. This put an extreme amount of pressure on the President which made him enforce a new law; forbidding any company with a contract for war equipment to practise discrimination.

I therefore feel that black Americans were the most affected by the impact of war because the war permanently and dramatically increased the standard of living for better. The increase in the NAACP membership shows us that more people began to ...

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