A general report on advertising, but uses Skoda as an example of some of the advertising principles and advertising campaigns.

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Thank you for appointing me the role of a junior Account Executive. I have conducted extensive research in the world of advertising. This report is a general report on advertising, but uses Skoda as an example of some of the advertising principles and advertising campaigns.


        Advertising is ‘making it publicly known than an individual or an organization has benefits, usually products and services, it wishes to offer to an identified target audience in return for some other benefit, usually money’.

        In some markets, consumer demand is so intense, the product is able to meet that demand that no planned communication between producer and consumer is necessary. These products are said to be able to sell themselves. For most products this is not the case. The presence of a product needs to be advertised to the population of its target market. Advertising is a process of communication designed to stimulate purchase of a given product or brand. In pursuit of this aim there are two basic advertising functions:

  1. TO INFORM consumers of the products existence, availability, purpose, features, specification and price.

  1. TO PERSUADE consumers by intentionally creating a need or desire to purchase and consume the product.


        ‘Information’ is the dominant factor when the product is innovative and the consumer is unaware of its qualities and availability. It also has a role in convincing consumers that a product is superior to its competitors.

        ‘Persuasion’ is the dominant factor when a firm fears competition from similar products, or wishes to protect or extend its market share.

Advertising objectives are specific statements of what is to be achieved by advertising. Breaking this down further, advertising objectives are

  • To create awareness
  • To support sales increase
  • To encourage trial
  • To inform
  • To remind
  • To reassure
  • To create an image
  • To modify attitudes


It is said that advertising objectives should be SMART; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based. It is very important for a company to meet their advertising objectives as it does come at a cost. The outcome of advertising can be either ‘drip’ or ‘burst’. Drip advertising is often related to maintaining brand and product awareness. Bursts may depend on competitive pressures and specific events in the product life cycle.

        In producing advertising from the advertiser to finally the audience a number of transactions take place. The process begins with the advertiser who may be a large multinational company or an individual who owns a newsagent. As the advertiser is the one who spends the money, they would hope to advertise and have communication with the largest number of people in the applicable market at lowest cost. The advertiser takes the services of an advertising agency.  The advertising agency will serve the advertisers interests. Making an advert is usually a partnership between the advertiser and the advertising agency. The advertising agency will advise the advertisers and produce the advertising for them. The agency is the link between the advertiser and the media where the ads will appear. There are a few different types of agencies such as In house, full service and creative shops. The media owner carries out the advertising which the agency has placed with on behalf of the advertiser. The choice of media depends on the advertising budget, the market, legal constraints and the product. The media owner also provides circulation figures, readership surveys and space costs for their media. Media owners will report to the media department of the agency with information that will convince the agency that their publications and channels are best suited to the clients advertising.

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        Skoda would have worked very closely with everyone in the advertising triangle. Skoda would have had the idea of what the advertising is about, in terms of changing the image of Skoda. Skoda would have shown what they wanted to the advertising agency and the agency goes through a certain process to convince the advertiser to hire them. The agency would have come with the visual based on the idea of Skoda. Skoda, owned by Volkswagen have a large advertising budget and reaching a large audience as possible would have been an option to them. They did this with advertising ...

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