Exploring Printed Media Texts I have selected two advertisements printed on paper to compare and contrast

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Exploring Printed Media Texts Analyse how structural and linguistic devices are used to target a specific audience in printed media text. INTRODUCTION In this GCSE study I intend to analyse, two printed texts I have selected two advertisements printed on paper to compare and contrast. Both advertisements have a common theme, yet they are presented very differently to attract the same target audience; both contain compelling visuals. I also selected ADVERT1. Social Work it's all about people. because I am interested in exploring the ways in which the media tackles and presents sensitive issues. It is the differences in the presentation of the two advertisements for essentially similar jobs that I find interesting. UNDERSTANDING THEIR PURPOSE AND TARGET AUDIENCE to compare any non-fiction texts, you must have an understanding of their purpose and audience. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/sosteacher/answers/answer39931.shtml I am going to analyse, assess and compare the effectiveness of the devices - images and language - used, and present what I think are the reasons for the use of these devices to make contact with their target audience. Both advertisements focus on attracting the middle-of-the-road social category A-C reader to apply for jobs to professions which require social awareness - ADVERT 1. Social Work it's all about people: This piece is an advertisement which encourages people, who could possibly have an interest in training in social work as a profession, to find out more about the careers available in social work. Although superficially simple language is used the message is subtly presented to appeal to the 'thinking' person with a conscience. The advertisement was printed in the Independent Newspapers 'Independent Magazine'; part of the quality press, The Independent is a broadsheet newspaper aimed at the top 10% of intelligence quota of the population and the magazine is used for quality articles and advertisements, usually in full colour. The advertisement is aimed to appeal to the Readers of the Independent, who are likely to be middle class, university educated, who are looking to do something socially responsible with their lives. They would be aware of, and would understand and appreciate the cleverness of the presentation style of the advertisement. The advertisement would have been placed as a result of research in to readership polls and target appropriate people for social work. ADVERT 2. Those who can, teach. This piece is an advertisement which encourages people, who could possibly have an interest in training to be a teacher as a profession, to find out more about the careers available in teaching. The advertisement was printed in the Teacher Training Agency booklet 'Can you light a Fire'. They both are directed to appeal to intelligent twenty/thirty year old people with a social conscience who want to give something back and contribute to improving society by working with the dependent and needy. ANALYSIS OF FIRST IMPRESSIONS - PRESENTATION - Layout and organisation the use of devices - layout and images - to contact the target audience · ….. Look at presentational devices (layout and images) as well as linguistic devices (use of language). · What is the content of key articles in the magazine? Do these articles follow current trends in music, fashion etc? Think about the tone and formality of the language they use. Often they use second person informal language to try to make the reader into a 'friend'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/sosteacher/answers/answer39999.shtml Although very different in presentation there is a strong sense of layout for both the
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advertisements. ADVERT1. Social Work it's all about people is very busy and cluttered with untidy handwritten type across each of the eleven images; only the low key 4 lines of information along the bottom right of the page is typeset. Whereas ADVERT 2 Those who can, teach. the presentation is sleek and clearly considered, organised and defined. There is a full colour image completely filling the first page, of the cropped left hand side of a black face with bright flames reflected in the eye, against a white background; the white background continues to the next page where the typography ...

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