Why has the Got Milk? campaign been so successful?

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  1. Why has the “Got Milk?” campaign been so successful?

Judging from the results of studies milk has a lack of portability, not enough flavour variety and not thirst-quenching or refreshing contrary to what sodas can bring. Moreover, one of the weak points was the lack of advertising. Admittedly milk is linked with other daily food products such as cereals or cookies, everybody knows that milk is good for health. But people aren’t aware enough that they could not live without that product.  They are not conscious that they need milk to live daily. The consumption of milk has become more a reflex than something else: people don’t think about it until you make notice that it is an essential product, as the test shows it (by depriving  them of milk). It was important to make people think about the “milk time”.

The solution was therefore to make people think about the consequences living without drinking milk. The only solution was to show people in the situation of “milk deprivation” in the ads.

The success of this campaign is due to the fact that it reminded people that milk is essential, necessary for their daily lives. This campaign shows the importance of this product in a household, because people consume milk at different time of the day and of the life but they are not conscious of their dependence to the milk.

As consumer have been able to see people in “milk deprivation” we can say that this campaign was based on a “pull” strategy and not to a “push” strategy. In fact people were really touched by this campaign because it made them think about their milk consumption and realize what could be their lives without it.

  1. What are the current objectives of the “Got Milk?” campaign? What audiences does the campaign target?

The milk industry faced two main problems: on the one hand, the consumption has being decreasing for 15 years and that of the competitors (especially soft drinks) has being increasing of nearly 80% during the same period. on the other hand, people seem to have forgotten the necessity of drinking of milk.

The objectives of the “Got Milk” campaign were therefore to show that a normal life without this drink was impossible and to make them “think about it and answer the question for themselves”. So this campaign didn’t  emphasised neither the advantages of milk among other beverages (because people already know them), nor the pleasure people can have by drinking milk, but, on the contrary, it highlighted the disadvantages, the lack of pleasure of a life without milk.

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The aim of this campaign was not to say “soft drinks are detrimental to heath” but “milk is essential to health”.  People who received the campaign were confronted of a “milk deprivation” situation or so to speak a sort of testimony, that is why they could find alone the answer, of the question the campaign only suggested, as it were the necessary changes in their consumption habits.

Concerning the audiences, all of them were targeted, as the variety of ads shows it: An “integrated marketing communications campaign” has been launched with almost all the possible means: “billboards, print ...

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