Looking for Alibrandi : Discuss how music and color is used to reveal the emotions, storyline and development of characters within the film.

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Topic Question: Discuss how music and color is used to reveal the emotions, storyline and development of characters within the film.

Contention: Music and color are important elements of film. In Looking for Alibrandi, music and color are used to reveal the emotions, storyline and development of characters.

In the olden days, movies were created in black and white and often had little or no sound. As technology pushed on, revolutions in the film industry occurred which allowed for the integration of both production elements and many others and although at first it was very expensive to adopt these, as time went on the prices fell and more producers began to use the technology to create better movies. Nowadays it is essential for all movies to incorporate color and music along with other production elements in order to become successful and possibly a box office hit. In Looking for Alibrandi different types of music were used throughout Looking for Alibrandi to establish a mood, make people laugh, make people cry and elicit emotions. Color also plays an important part in the movie, both as a production element and a story element.

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The soundtracks that are featured in Looking for Alibrandi were designed to depict the different emotions and experiences of the three generations of Alibrandi women. Scenes such as the Tomato Day, the Dance party, death of John Barton and Josie having a time of her life with her friends are the most significant because they use music extensively and creatively. For example, the scene about tomato day uses traditional 1950’s Italian music which creates a happy and fun atmosphere which is what you will find in a typical party atmosphere. In the Dance Party scene modern dance music is ...

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