Conscience is innate. Discuss

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Alicia Hui

Ethics – Conscience Essay

‘Conscience is innate’. Discuss (35)

“The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience” – Mahatma Ghandi. There are conflicting beliefs about whether conscience is innate or learned. When conscience is described as being innate, it means that it is inborn within you. From a religious perspective, an innate conscience is one which is God given or the voice of reason as a moral guide to what is right and wrong, whereas if it is argued that the conscience is not innate then it is described as being learned or developed according to psychologists. If the conscience really is innate and God-given, does this mean that God has told people to act immorally? Surely this destroys the whole idea of God being omnibenevolent. However, if the conscience is not innate and it is in fact learned then the blame for people behaving immorally would be shifted from God to society. Key scholars such as St. Thomas Aquinas, Joseph Butler and Cardinal John Henry Newman believe that conscience is innate and inborn within a person.

The argument that conscience is innate comes from a religious point of view. They argue, apart from Aquinas, that our conscience is given by God as a moral guide of what is right and wrong and that we should never disobey what our conscience says as it would be going against the word of God. Joseph Butler devised the idea of ‘Intuitive Conscience’, which stated that your conscience immediately comes into play when faced with a moral situation or dilemma. He described conscience as being “our natural guide, the guide assigned to us by the Author of our nature”, meaning that it is assigned to us by God. According to Butler, humans are motivated by two basic principles; self-love and benevolence. The conscience encourages people to move away from self-love and strive towards benevolence and focusing on keeping other people happy. In turn, this would result in a happier life. When making a decision, conscience is the final decision maker as it is the ultimate authority in the authoritative hierarchy. However, this may conflict with some laws which may be in place in a country. Take Nazi Germany for example, if you were a German citizen and Jewish people were asking to hide in your house through fear of death, would you let them or would you abide by the laws of the country and turn them away? Under conscience comes ‘the principle of reflection’. By this, Butler meant that we are able to look back on our past actions and deliberate whether they were the right or wrong things to do. This ability of being able to look back on our actions and decide whether we approve or disapprove of them in the principle in man, meaning that it has always been a part of humanity. As previously stated, if our conscience comes from God, then surely God must be responsible for all of the actions we make, even the bad ones? Not for Butler. He said that as conscience is a direct knowledge from God, convincing yourself that wrong actions are good ones is self-deception which interferes with God’s purpose for an individual. A person could go their whole life saying that they acted negatively because their conscience told them to, but is it believable that God would guide people into making bad moral decisions?

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St. Thomas Aquinas did not think of conscience as being the voice of God, but as being the able to reason and distinguish between right and wrong and that there were two parts to making a good, moral decision. The Synderesis Rule is an innate ‘right reason’ that gives us knowledge of the basic principles of morality e.g. following the good and avoiding the bad. The conscienta is the choice to follow an action based upon the principles and right reasoning of the synderesis. Both of parts of Aquina’s conscience enable us to decide between good and evil and ...

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