For my "Register" piece of homework, I have been asked to create a formal/informal argument. Fox hunting and smoking

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English Homework: Register.




For my “Register” piece of homework, I have been asked to create a formal/informal argument.


For my formal argument, I’ve decided to base it on fox hunting. My ‘argument’, will be more of a debate. But, I will persist in using formal language through out. I will have an opposing argument, which will constantly try to diminish the other opposing argument. This will remain in a formal manner through-out!


For my informal argument, I’ve decided to base it on the smoking. I will try to keep a constant flow of informal language. This argument will be based on a friend smoking, and an opposing friend will try to talk them into stop smoking.


As you may have noticed, both of these topics have been frequently in the newspapers recently.



Formal Register:


As summer was coming to an abrupt close, the distant, ice-cold wind travelled abruptly over the neglected heath. A drowsy silence lay over the large, houses of the enclosed street. The cars, which were yet so strident, were soundless once more. The cars which had a dusty golden silhouette stood in their once abandoned home, upon the lawns that were once silently glimmering in an emerald green. Shadows were restlessly awakening from their dormant situate, creeping blissfully, upon the heath.

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The noise on the street was deafening, despite the perceptible silence. A high-pitched vitriolic squeal erupted from a near by place, causing all to awaken once more. The squeal, was yet so peaceful, it was also undeniably so. Yet, it was so venomous, as if it had been awakening; from a pro-longed slumber.


A voice unexpectedly came from a near by house, a soothing voice, a voice with reason, with passion. This was only too met, by one not so soothing, but on the contra irritating, and without reason.


… The man said in an almost, undeniable lucid tone… ‘The whole ...

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