Is there a link between Morality and Religion?

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Is there a link between Morality and Religion?

“Religion and morality go together like boiled beef and carrots. You often find them together but it is perfectly possible to have one without the other”


For centuries there has been this constant on going debate on whether there is or is not a link between morality and religion. Plato was one of the first to face the question laying the grounds for the Euthyphro dilemma. A discussion between himself and Socrates was based on a young man, Euthyphro. He had planned to prosecute his father after he had tied up drunken peasant involved in a fight. His father had intended to report him to the authorities however he forgot about the peasant, who of course eventually died. Euthyphro dismayed by the events, then set out to prosecute his father. The discussion leads then on whether that,

“what human beings are morally oblige to do rest on what the gods command, or whether the gods only command what is good independent of their commanding it”

It follows this idea of is x right because God wills it (This statement I will use for there being link between the two), or God wills x because it is right (This statement I will use for their not being a link between the two). If x is right because God wills it  run this view that God is projected as the creator of morality- the instigator of ethical principles, therefore his followers are bound by duty to behave as he has directed. This raises certain issues of which collapse this idea

Firstly it portrays God as purely arbitrary being.

“Behaviour is not right or wrong for any reason other than that, that God believes it to be so.”


If this be the case imagine God suddenly displaying himself and saying he no moral problem with people torturing their pets. You neighbour might start torturing their pet, you however refused saying you cared for you pet and would not want to hurt it. Would you consider yourself and neighbour to have equally moral principles just because a deity claimed there was no problem with torturing you pet? No, you probably wouldn’t - this then mean maybe morality is opposed to religion

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“God involves a total, unqualified commitment to obey his commands and that such a commitment is not appropriate for a moral agent, since to be a moral agent is to be autonomous or self-directed agent”


Religious people have brought about evil in their beliefs, Bertrand Russell states how religion

“Prevents out children from having a rational education, religion prevents us from removing the fundamental cause of war.”


If morality comes from God then why is it that goes against his own beliefs and morality he gave us. God, in the Ten Commandments, tells us ...

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