Moral statements are simply covert descriptions of emotions or recommendations for action. Discuss this view, with reference to Logical positivism and its implications for ethics.

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Moral statements are simply covert descriptions of emotions or recommendations for action. Discuss this view, with reference to Logical positivism and its implications for ethics.

In the world we live in today we are constantly being surrounded by moral choices and decisions about what would be the right thing to do. But Meta-ethics attempts to understand what the meaning of these words we use to describe moral situations such as right and wrong. When first trying to understand Meta ethics a person will try to divide situations into fact and opinions. But there can be no certain facts in Meta ethics is it applies to people own responses to a situation. But there is a way we respond to situations can be separated in empirical evidence (using five senses. These are questions that philosophers of meta- ethics try to answer, and they have taken a variety off different approach, which can be categorised in a variety of ways. In most cases the approaches are cognitisvism and non-cognitisvism.

        The first argument disagrees with this statement is cognitisvism People who hold cognitivist views about moral language believe that moral statements are about simply about facts, which are true or false. According to cognitivists moral statements are propositions they make a proposals. They also believe that moral values can be derived from empirical sense experience. We can verify the truth of these by asking questions. For example Arsenal won the premiership title in 2002 or during the war on Iraq some Iraqis died. By applying this to moral situations you could say that it is wrong to kill people or helping an old lady cross the road is good, we are able to prove this by the way we feel to these situations by using our five senses. A naturalist will draw conclusions from non-ethical statements, for example The war on Iraq ended human life therefore it was wrong.

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        Absolutist also proves that this statement is untrue. Absolutists believe that there is a moral value that is always true in all situations and for all people. This proves that ethics is not just about opinions but also consists of certain fact that can no way can be proved wrong for example it is always wrong to drown a four year old girl. But on the other hand it also agrees with the statements as is only giving recommendations on the way people should act.

        Logical positivism is that the only real things are those that are either empirically provable ...

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