Amylase is an enzyme that helps to digest starch into maltose

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Amylase is an enzyme that helps to digest starch into maltose. Enzymes are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions. They are grouped into three categories, Carbohydrases, Proteases, and Lipases. Carbohydrases include Amylase, which helps to digest starch, Lactase, which helps to digest Lactose, Sucrase, which helps to digest Sucrose, and Maltase, which helps to digest Maltose. Proteases include Pepsin and Trypsin, which help to digest proteins, and Chymotrypsin, which help to digest Polypeptides. Finally Lipases consists of Intestinal Lipase, which helps to digest some fats. Without them, bodily digestion would be too slow, and we would eventually starve to death. However, as all enzymes, amylase requires strict conditions for it to operate properly, such as temperature, concentration, and pH. I will try to find out what is the optimum temperature at which amylase functions most effectively.

Prediction and hypothesis

From the book “Key Science” by D. Applin, published by Stanley Thornes publishers 1997, I know that the optimum temperature for the function of amylase is about 37ºC. This is because as the temperature of the reaction increases the rate at which the amylase and the starch substrate collide (faster Brownian motion). Also amylase has an optimum shape and will hold it at the optimum temperature. As the temperature of the reaction moves past its optima, although chemically the chances of starch breakdown increase, the chances of the breakdown of the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme also increase.  As the heat in the system increases, the vibration energy of the entire amylase molecule also increases. This puts a strain on the weak interactions that hold the enzyme together. At temperatures just above optima, there may be a situation where the enzyme is in an equilibrium where it temporarily loses some of its structure and then regains it to work again. At higher temperatures these bonds are shaken apart and the three-dimensional structure of the protein destabilises. This is called denaturation.

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From this graph, one can see that the effectiveness of amylase peaks at about 37ºC. What I aim to do is to prove that amylase is most effective at helping to digest starch at about 37ºC by conducting a practical experiment. I predict that as I increase the temperature of the amylase & starch source from 10ºC to 50ºC, the rate of reaction of the enzyme will rise peaking when the temperature is about 37ºC, and fall after this point. Due to technical limitations, I will conduct ...

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