EN4 Determination of Enthalpy Change of Combustion

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Yu Wing Yee 6A(30)

  1. Title: 

EN4 Determination of Enthalpy Change of Combustion

  1. Aim/Objective:

To find out the calibration factor of propan-1-ol by burning a measured mass of it in a spirit lamp and use the calibration factor to find out the enthalpy change of combustion of other alcohols (ethanol, butan-1-ol, pentan-1-ol, hexan-1-ol).

  1. Results:
  1. Calibration of the Calorimeter

  1. Experimental data of other alcohols
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  1. Calculation/interpretation:

The calibration of the calorimeter, using propan-1-ol:

Heat energy released during the experiment (E) = HC [propan-1-ol (l)] * n

= -2017 * 0.01833

= 36.978kJ/mol

Calibration factor of the calorimeter (C) = E / T

= 36.978kJ / 20

= 1.849kJ/mol

Enthalpy Change of combustion of:

Ethanol = (C × T) / n

= 1.849 * 20.2 / 0.0272

= -1374.4 kJ/mol

Butan-1-ol = 1.849 * 21.4 / 0.0235

= -1682.7 kJ/mol

Pentan-1-ol = 1.849 * 19.8 / 0.0107

= -3427.2 kJ/mol

Hexan-1-ol = 1.849 * 22.2 / 0.00901

= -4600.8 kJ/mol

From data book, the ...

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