Investigation of the effect of substrate concentrationon the rate of activity of the enzyme catalase

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Investigation of the effect of substrate concentration

            on the rate of activity of  the enzyme


Background Information:

        Enzymes are biological catalysts that increase the speed of chemical reactions without undergoing any physical change. They are neither used up in the reaction nor do they appear as reaction products. All enzyme catalysed reactions are reversible.

        Enzymes effectively lower the amount of activation energy required for chemical reactions to start. Some enzymes weaken covalent bonds within the substrate molecule, whereas in other cases this lowering of the activation energy seems to take place because the enzyme holds the substrate molecules in a particular position that increases the likelihood that the molecules are going to  react. The graph below shows how the activation energy is lowered when enzymes are present;

The enzyme and substrate form an enzyme-substrate complex (Savante Arrhenius 1888 Swedish scientist). One theory of this is the lock and key hypothesis. According to this hypothesis the enzyme molecule can only bind with a substrate with a complementary shape to fit its active site, like a lock and a key.


However, another theory of how the enzyme-substrate complex binds together is the induced fit hypothesis (Koshland). This hypothesis suggests that some enzymes undergo small modifications to the active site when they form a complex with the substrate.


Within cells, hundreds of reactions occur all the time, however they don’t happen at room temperature, as it is too cool, if they do, then it is a very slow reaction. Which is why enzymes are so important. The human body is still quite cool for reactions to occur, but enzymes work very well at body temperature, so speeding up the reactions. However enzymes can be denatured if the temperature or the pH is too high, or if the concentration of ions is too high. If the enzymes become denatured the structure becomes disrupted and cannot return to its original shape.

        One single enzyme molecule can react over and over (unless its denatured), however it is only capable of combining with a certain maximum number of substrate molecules per minute. This number is called the turnover number. Peroxidase has a very high turnover number and is capable of enzymatically destroying H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) before it can do much damage, as it is poisonous, corrosive and toxic to most living organisms, especially in too high a concentration. H2O2 is made in cells, it is a bi-product of cell metabolism. The catalase is used to remove H2O2 very quickly from cells by converting it into oxygen and water. The reaction occurs spontaneously, however the catalyst increases the rate dramatically.

                2H2O2                              2H2O + O2


        The aim of this investigation is to research how the concentration of substrate (H2O2) affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase (yeast). Whether the rate increases or decreases with the different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

        In the presence of a catalase, H2O2 will break down into water and oxygen (as shown in equation above). As the concentration of the substrate increases, the rate of reaction should also increase, until the substrate molecule fills all the active sites on the enzyme molecule, or until there are no more enzyme molecules to react. However, when there is a lower concentration of the substrate molecules, the increase in rate of reaction is limited and will have little effect. I shall carry out an investigation to prove this hypothesis using hydrogen peroxide as the substrate and yeast as the enzyme.

As mentioned in the background information, temperature affects the speed in which enzymes work. Heating causes molecular motion to increase, increasing the speed at which enzyme-substrate complexes are formed, therefore the rate at which products are formed. If temperature continues to rise, then hydrogen bonds, holding the structure of the enzyme together, are broken, therefore denaturing the enzyme. The effect of temperature on the rate of reaction is known as the temperature coefficient (Q10).                                                                                    

Q10 = rate of rxn at (x+10) C/rate of rxn at x C

Over a range of 0-40 C  the temp coefficient for an enzyme controlled reaction is two. i.e.the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction is doubled for every rise of 10 C.

        The pH range also affects the speed at which the enzymes work. Enzymes work at an optimum pH of 7.35( ie approximately neutral), where the maximum rate of reaction occurs. If the pH is changed to above or below this value, the rate of enzyme activity diminishes. Acidity increases as the pH decreases, causing the concentration of H+ ions to increase, disrupting the ionic bonds which hold the enzyme structure together, therefore denaturing the enzyme.

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        We can explain the effect of pH, temperature, substrate concentration and enzyme concentration by the collision theory. This theory suggests that reactions occur when the particles of the reactants (in this case the enzyme molecule and the substrate molecule) collide, providing they collide with a certain minimum kinetic energy. If there is a higher concentration of enzyme and substrate molecules then there is a higher chance of collisions and reactions taking place. The same goes for pH and temperature. Any factor that increases the number of collisions will increase the rate of reaction.  

                The rate of enzyme reaction is ...

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