Investigation on Osmosis using a potato.

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By Abdelaziz Marzoug                                            Osmosis Coursework 10 E

Investigation on Osmosis using a potato.


        The aim of the experiment is to see osmosis in potato’s by changing the variable which is going to be concentration, we are going to see at what concentrations the potato gains mass, and at which concentrations the potato loses mass, and at which individual concentration does the potato not gain or loss mass at all, this will be the equilibrium.

Scientific Theory

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from its region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration.

        In this test I have a range of choices in which I will have to choose from to prove a scientific fact. I have the options of testing with the potato to see how temperature will affect its rate of osmosis/plamolysis, and how the potato will be affected by osmosis when increasing/decreasing its surface area.


        But there is another choice and it is that I can change the concentration of solution which the potato is put into and this will very much affect the rate of osmosis/plasmolysis on the potato.

         I have decided to make the variable the difference in concentration because it will give a wider range of results helping me to analyse it better. Baring this in mind I also have to consider that these are my non variables:

  • Surface area

  • Solution volume

  • Duration of experiment

  • Temperature

  • Solution

  • Balances/Weighing scales

  • Conditions


1.         A partially permeable membrane is something with really small pores so very small particles can pass through like water molecules but bigger molecules like glucose molecules can not pass through. In this experiments case the partially permeable membrane is the potato and water will pass through this. Depending on the concentration of the solution the more or less the water shall pass through.

2.        Water molecules can pass through the partially permeable membrane in both ways so this means the potato can lose or gain weight depending on the solution concentration.

3.        If there are more water molecules on one side of the partially permeable membrane then the other then there is a steady net flow into the region with fewer water molecules. I.e. The water molecules travel to the stronger sucrose solution from the potato.

  1. When the water concentrations are the same on both sides of the partially permeable membrane then there will be and equilibrium and osmosis will not occur and no water will transport anywhere. This is also a state where plasmolysis does not occur and this state is known as the isotonic region, you can see this when there is no mass change within the potato.

5.        In the case of this experiment if the water concentration is higher outside of the potato then the water will transport from the potato to the solution. In this case it will lose mass and it will start to do the opposite of osmosis which is plasmolysis.


        The potato, cut up into corks, will need some sort of element to survive, and in this experiment, it would be light and water. With both of these sources, the potato will keep on working, until it dies of either lack of water or, too much water. When the concentration gradient is lower in the potato, the water will transfer from the solution to the potato. When the concentration gradient is higher on the potato the water will transfer from the potato into the solution.


        In the distilled water, I believe that the water is more concentrated in the potato, and therefore the water should transfer from the water to the potato, making the potato bigger in size, and heavier in mass.

         The potato tissues, being surrounded by a weak solution, will be most likely to swell up and become turgid, taking in all the water it can possibly take in, also making it gain mass.



        The control in this experiment will basically be the potato cylinder in the water solution although this is not exactly right because the control should be a potato in air but it is done in water because it is good to compare results with one in water
        First the pieces of potatoes have to be ready. We will use the cork borer to create long cylinders of potatoes, and weigh the 6 potato cylinders. I will have 6 sets because we will have to test the potatoes in 6 different types of solutions; 0 Molar, 0.2 Molar, 1/3  Molar, 0.8  Molar sucrose solution, 1.0 molar solutions of sucrose, 0 molar sucrose solution will be distilled water..
        We will then weigh each set and have them ready for us to put into the test tube.
Then we will put the 6 sets of potatoes in the 6 test tube at the same time and start the clock running for 10 minutes.


        Safety is an important aspect in every experiment, even if the experiment seems to be very harmless. And that is why we take this into consideration, no matter what.

        We will be using a very sharp knife, which could injure someone if it is not handled properly. And we will also be careful that the solutions do not get into our bodies internally, just in case, because we are not fully aware of the damage it could do to us.
        Another aspect of safety is that the cork borer can be used to an extent of harmfulness this is because when using it make sure that the potato is firmly on a surface if not the cork  borer may go into ones hand and damage skin tissues.        But other than that, there were not any bigger matters to be cautious or concerned of.


A graph is shown below to compare individual results.

        These results show that there is a very good correlation throughout the different solutions and the line of best fit is very close to every point in the graph which conveys there is some trend. As the concentration of sucrose was increased and the water was decreased the potato began to lose mass, and as the concentration of sucrose was very low and the concentration of the water was very high the potato began to gain mass.

        When there was a lower concentration outside the potato, then on the inside the potato began to increase in mass, as the scientific theory states, and when there was a lower concentration outside the potato and higher inside the potato lost mass. The equilibrium is found out using the graph, where ever the line crosses the x axis is how much sucrose is in and on the outside of the potato which will show no change in mass.

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        The flaws for the preliminary experiment were that the temperature of the water was not the same and there was not enough in range of readings so one has to estimate what would have occurred between points. Another flaw is that there where a great range in shapes and sizes of the potatoes which would have changed the results. Another flaw is that we did not find any way in that which we could find that osmosis or plasmolysis could not occur any more then it is able to.

        To tackle the above problems in the final experiment we ...

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