Synthesising organic and biochemical compounds - Preparation of Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid.

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ÿ Unit 5: Synthesising organic and biochemical compounds Assignment 1

Preparation of Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid

Prepared by:

Tahir Sheikh-Noor



 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc58921021" Introduction to report PAGEREF _Toc58921021 \hError! Bookmark not defined.2

 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc58921022" Practical one Equation PAGEREF _Toc58921022 \hError! Bookmark not defined.3

 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc58921023" Practical three Equation PAGEREF _Tc58921023 \h Error! Bookmark not defined.

Catalytic action        

Introduction (Section1)

Introduction to report

This report contains 5 practical experiments to produce ethanoic acid from ethanol. The first practical is the preparation of ethanol from glucose using yeast during the process of fermentation; this has been demonstrated in class. In this practical the glucose is converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by respiratory enzymes from the yeast. The ethanol solution will be between 5-15% and the ethanol will be separated from the yeast by filtering. Then the ethanol will be divided.  

In the second experiment we are going to distillate ethanol solution, which involve measuring both the volume and the mass of the ethanol solution, we can work out the density from the volume and mass. We will then compare the density of the solution with that of pure water and pure ethanol; it is possible to calculate the percentage concentration of the solution.  

The third practical will be oxidising ethanol to ethanoic acid, in this experiment we will start with 96% ethanol. We can achieve a successful oxidation by boiling gently under reflux with acidified sodium dichromate.

The fourth practical is to distillate ethanoic acid solution; this is the continuation of the third practical and involves distilling the mixture to obtain a reasonably pure sample of ethanoic acid.

The final practical is the filtration of ethanoic acid solution; this involves determining the actual % yield of ethanoic acid by titration against 0.05 M sodium hydroxide.

Practical one Equation


yeast will carry out anaerobic respiration, using the glucose to enable it to grow and multiply. The equation above shows what the yeast will accomplish inside the bioreactor.

This equation also shows fermentation process, which proves an anaerobic respiration, which means that oxygen is absent from the process. Anaerobic respiration takes place in organisms and releases a small amount of energy very quickly. In most organisms, it consists of a chain of chemical reactions called glycolysis, which break down glucose into pyrutic acid.

The following equations show how the yeast will turn the glucose into ethanol:

C6H12O6                    2CH2COCOOH

        pyruvic acid (carboxylic acid)


                        Ethanal (aldyhyde)

                                        +2 REDUCTION


Practical three Equation

In this practical, ethanol will be oxidised with the assistance of acidified sodium dichromate (VI)

The following equation shows what will happen:

C2H5OH                   CH2COOH

Ethanol + oxygen         ethanoic acid

(Alcohol)                (Carboxylic acid)

What will happen, if micro- organisms are used as an alternative, will be oxidised to ethanal and will be oxidised again to produce ethanoic acid.

The difference between biotechnology and practical 3 is that biotechnology uses the micro-organisms to produce a useful substance. Practical 3 is just an oxidation process.

A further difference between biotechnology and practical 3 is that biotechnology involves 2 stages, whereas, practical 3 requires only 1 stage before its process is complete. . The yeast carry out an alcohol fermentation when grown anaerobically; in the presence of air, they make carbon dioxide and water by aerobic respiration. Must look at from net.

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Section2 Introduction


Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula, but have a different arrangement of the atoms in space. That excludes any different arrangements, which are simply due to the molecule rotating as a whole, or rotating about particular bonds.

Where the atoms making up the various isomers are joined up in a different order, this is known as structural isomerism. Structural isomerism is not a form of stereoisomerism.

 Structural isomerism is the relation of two or more compounds, radicals, or ions that are composed of the same kinds and numbers of atoms ...

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