The Effect of Temperature on Protease.

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Elmaz Korimbocus

The Effect of Temperature on Protease

Properties of Enzymes 
As the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius suggested in 1823, enzymes are typical catalysts: they are capable of increasing the rate of reaction without being consumed in the process.

Some enzymes, such as pepsin and trypsin, which bring about the digestion of meat, control many different reactions, whereas others, such as urease, are extremely specific and may accelerate only one reaction. Still others release energy to make the heart beat and the lungs expand and contract. Many facilitate the conversion of sugar and foods into the various substances the body requires for tissue-building, the replacement of blood cells, and the release of chemical energy to move muscles.
Pepsin, trypsin, and some other enzymes possess, in addition, the peculiar property known as autocatalysis, which permits them to cause their own formation from an inert precursor called zymogens. As a consequence, these enzymes may be reproduced in a test tube.

As a class, enzymes are extraordinarily efficient. Minute quantities of an enzyme can accomplish at low temperatures what would require violent reagents and high temperatures by ordinary chemical means. About 30g of pure crystalline pepsin, for example, would be capable of digesting nearly 2 metric tons of egg white in a few hours.

The kinetics of enzyme reactions differs somewhat from those of simple inorganic reactions. Each enzyme is selectively specific for the substance in which it causes a reaction and is most effective at a temperature peculiar to it. Although an increase in temperature may accelerate a reaction, enzymes are unstable when heated. The catalytic activity of an enzyme is determined primarily by the enzyme's amino-acid sequence and by the tertiary structure-that is, the three-dimensional folded structure of the macromolecule. Many enzymes require the presence of another ion or a molecule called a cofactor, in order to function.

As a rule, enzymes do not attack living cells. As soon as a cell dies, however, enzymes that break down protein rapidly digest it. The resistance of the living cell is due to the enzyme's inability to pass through the membrane of the cell as long as the cell lives. When the cell dies, its membrane becomes permeable, and the enzyme can then enter the cell and destroy the protein within it. Some cells also contain enzyme inhibitors, known as anti-enzymes, which prevent the action of an enzyme upon a substrate.

What holds enzymes together in the first place: Enzymes are proteins and proteins are constructed from chains of amino acids (20 possible different ones). The analogy of the amino acids being like links in a chain is a good one, although it should be visualised as having 20 different types of links, all that have different shapes and properties. As an unfolded chain, the enzyme has no catalytic activity. Only the folded structure forms the catalytic or active site. However this folded structure will generally be held together by non-covalent interactions unlike the covalent bonds that hold the amino acid links together. These consist of interactions such as ionic (salt) bridges, hydrogen bonds, hydrophopic and hydrophilic interactions and so on, which you will have come across in basic chemistry.  

The Role of Ezymes in Biological Reactions

The laws of thermodymatics apply to chemical reactions anywhere in the universe. No reactions can violate the rules of thermodymatics. All reaction must proceed to a level of minimum energy and maximum entropy or have a favorable balance between the two. Enzyme simply increase the rate (rate is equal to the number of reactant molecules converted to product per unit of time) at which spontaneous reactions take place. Enzymes cannot make a reaction occur that would not proceed spontaneously without the enzyme. The same principle apply to reversible reaction. Enzymes do not alter the equilibrium point of reversible reaction.

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Most biological reactions would take place to slow without enzyme for life to exist. The rates would be essentially zero at biological temperatures. For example the oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O is spontaneous and proceeds almost completely in the direction stated. However, without enzymes, glucose oxidation occurs do slowly at physiological temperatures that the rate is essentially unmeasureable.

The increases in rate achieve by enzymes, depending on the enzyme and reaction, range from a minimum of about a million to as much as a trillion times faster than the uncatalyzed reactions at equivalent concentrations and temperatures.


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