The effects of temperature, PH value, substrate & enzyme concentration and those of inhibitors and cofactors are of particular biological interest and can be summarized as follows:-

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Enzymes are globular proteins and within the cell they have two fundamental roles:

  • They act as highly specific catalysts, greatly speeding up chemical reactions

      which would otherwise be hopelessly slow

  • They provide a mechanism whereby individual chemical reactions can be controlled, the available quantity of an enzyme determine the rate of the corresponding reaction.

At the moment, hundreds of chemical reactions are in progress in a typical living cell.  

Theses reactions provide energy and help to maintain supplies of the many different substances needed for growth & repair. The remarkable fact that all these reactions contribute to an organized overall metabolism is due almost entirely to the production of special substances called enzymes.

You can see from the fig that the specificity of an enzyme’s action arises because each enzyme has a definite three dimensional shape which is complementary to that of its reacting molecules, or substrates.  

          The first step in any reaction catalyzed by an enzyme is the formation of a specific association between the molecules called an enzyme-substrate complex. This is made possible by the fact that the configuration of the enzyme matches the shape of the substrate over a relatively large area called active center of the enzyme. When enzyme and substrate molecules collide in the correct orientation, the substrates become attached and are held temporarily in position of active centre. The enzyme & substrate molecules now interact in such a way that chemical reaction involving the substrate takes place and the appropriate products are formed. Immediately afterwards, the products leave the active centre & the enzyme is again available completely unchanged and ready to combine with new substrate molecules.

        This sequence of events can be repeated very rapidly. The action of the enzyme catalase provides a dramatic example. Catalase is found in the body tissues of many animals & plants &breaks down molecules of hydrogen peroxide, releasing oxygen gas and water. Each molecule of the enzyme can combine with up to 100,000 molecules of hydrogen peroxide per second, speeding up the rate of this particular reaction by about 10,000 times. Like many enzymes, catalase will work only as a single substrate but some enzymes are less specific.

Chymotrypsin for example splits peptide linkages by hydrolysis & is effective between many different pairs of amino acids in a polypeptide chain.


The mechanism of enzyme action described above is known as the lock &key hypothesis, but this concept is helpful only up to a point. The ‘lock’ & the ‘key’ in this case are not static structures but interact with each other so that the shapes of both are changed. A better concept is that of “induced fit”, meaning that the configuration of the enzyme becomes altered as the substrate binds at the active centre. At the same time the binds process stretches or compresses one or more of the chemical bonds in the substrate molecules so that a particular chemical reactions becomes much more likely. When the products are released, the enzyme returns to its normal shape.

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The induced fit action of an enzyme can be explained further in terms of its effect on the activation energy of the reaction it controls. In any chemical reaction, the molecules involved must acquire a certain amount of energy from their surroundings before chemical changes are possible. This energy is called activation energy. For reactions which occur spontaneously at normal temperatures sufficient thermal energy is always available, but in many other cases, the activation energy represents a “barrier” which slows down or prevents the reaction – referred to the figure below –


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