The enzyme reaction on milk.

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The enzyme reaction on milk

AIM: Effect of the temperature on the rate of an enzyme reaction.

PREDICTION: I think that higher the temperature will be the quicker the enzyme reaction will take place.

         I think that if the temperature is between 0-10°C the rate of reaction will be slow because the temperature will cause less collisions and denaturing of enzymes.

         But if the temperature were between 10-60°C there would be reactions taking place. Particles will be moving fast and the will be colliding with one another and vibrating with each other.  But if the temperature is above 60°C I think that the enzyme will de-nature and its molecular structure will change shape and the substrate will not fit into the enzyme active site.


This is what I think my graph will look like:


 A =At this point I think there wont be much of a reaction taking place at a low temperature between 0-10°C. If there is a reaction taking place I think it will take a long time.

 B= At this point I think there will be a reaction taking place and it will take a short time to break down the milk. I think this will give the molecules heat and activation energy to move into the enzyme active site. There will be collisions taking place too.

C= At this point I think the enzymes will de-nature because there will be too much heat and activation energy going to the enzymes and there will be too many collisions and vibrations taking place between the particles.

EXPLANATION: Enzymes are biological catalysts. They speed up the rate of reactions without getting used up.  Enzymes have a specific shape to which a substrate is allowed to join to it. Below is a diagram of an enzyme and its active site.

                                                        active site


Substrate (which has a shape that will into the active site)

Enzymes are specific molecules that have a specific shape. The substrate will have a specific shape which will allow it to fit directly into the active site of an enzyme. This is when the chemical reactions will take place.

Enzymes can be denatured by heat by altering their molecular structure thus changing its shape. The enzyme would then not allow the substrate to fit into the active site, this would prevent the reaction to take place.

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         Enzymes are sensitive to different temperatures, pH levels etc…  Certain enzymes work best in acidic conditions, whereas others work best at alkaline conditions.  In relation to Trypsin, it works best at acidic conditions.  The reason for this is because Trypsin is an enzyme that is found in our stomach to breakdown proteins.

Some substances can actually block the active sites of an enzyme and not allowing the substrates to fit into the active site. These substances that block the active site of an enzyme are called inhibitors.

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