The Fuel Cell

It seems strange to think these could be the last days of the internal combustion engine, which has dominated personal transportation for the second half of the 20th century.  Much as it has contributed to extraordinary mobility for many people, countries to rely heavily on oil from politically unstable regions, and intensified the long-term threat to global warming.

It seems possible that some time in the next decade, auto-manufacturers will be ready to market new, super energy-efficient cars powered by fuel cells that drive powerful, high-torque electric motors.  Such vehicles will produce virtually no polluting gases such as carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect, or oxides of nitrogen or sulphur that are the main causes of acid rain.  They can be fuelled by hydrogen from a variety of secure energy sources.

The development of fuel cell depends on a detailed understanding of one of the simplest chemical reactions: the burning of hydrogen to make water.

2H2 (g) + O2 (g) = 2H2O (l)

The reaction is highly exothermic and the equilibrium constant, of the order of 1080, is most definitely on the side of reactants going to products.  However, a glass jar containing two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen at room temperature, though potentially highly explosive, could exist in that state forever.

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This is because at room temperature, the collisions between hydrogen and oxygen molecules are just not of the right type, or energetic enough, or of the right frequency to ensure that they react.  The activation energy is too high for the reaction to go at a measurable rate at room temperature.  But place a glowing splint in the jar and the explosion can shatter the glass.

What happens is that the hot glowing splint excites some molecules of hydrogen and oxygen to such an extent that their collisions are now energetic enough to overcome the activation energy and ...

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