To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction on trypsin enzymes.

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GCSE Biology Coursework


To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction on trypsin enzymes.


I predict that the best temperature for the reaction to take place will be at around 40 degrees. I made this assumption on the basis that 40 degrees is the closest to body temperature, and so this would have to be the best temperature for the reaction to take place. It can also be said that below 40 degrees the enzymes will have less energy and hence will move around less. Therefore there is less chance that they will collide into the photographic film, meaning the time that it takes for the enzyme to fully react with the photographic film will take longer. Also above 40º the enzyme will be affected by the high temperatures and will begin to denature. When an enzyme becomes denatured its active site changes shape and so it cannot break down any substances. Therefore at above 40º enzymes will be denatured, unable to break down the photographic film, and so the reaction will take longer.

The results from my preliminary experiment have shown me that the acclimatisation time should be 4 minutes, and that an end point of 10 minutes is enough time for us to be able to tell that no reaction will take place. We can therefore say that there will be the least activity at both the ends of the spectrum of temperatures, namely at 10°C and 80°C. This would produce a graph in the shape of the following sketch:

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However, it should be noted that this is merely a sketch and thus is not accurate in terms of scale or accuracy in comparison with the end results table.

What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are biological catalysts; this means that they are used to speed up reactions. The function of enzymes is mainly to break down and digest proteins. Each enzyme is a complex three-dimensional structure. The centre of the structure is knows as the ‘active site’, where the chemical reactions take place; whether it be proteins being put together ...

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