Examining domestic violence

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Domestic violence

The definition for domestic violence comes from the women’s aid federation;

“Physical, psychological, sexual or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. It may involve partners, ex-partners, household members or other relatives.”

The view of domestic violence is that it is just the behaviour of a few sick disturbed individuals, and it is caused by psychological factors rather than social factors, but a lot of sociologists are against this view;

Sociologists say that domestic violence is far too widespread and common to have been cause by just a few sick individuals. A crime survey in 2007 showed that domestic violence accounted for a sixth of all violent crime. Black’s survey of 16,000 people estimates that there is around six and a half million domestic assaults a year, round about half resulting in physical injury. According to reports and surveys domestic violence doesn’t occur randomly that they have social patterns, the most common pattern is that the majority of domestic abuse comes from men onto women. Kathryn Coleman researched that women were more likely than men to experience ‘intimate violence’ in their lifetime including all four types of violence; Partner abuse, family abuse, sexual assault and stalking.

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Mirrlees-black found that:

  • 99% of all incidents against women are committed by men.
  • Most victims are women.
  • Nearly one in four women have been assaulted by a partner  at some point in their life and one in eight repeatedly so.

Some sociologists say that the police or agencies may be unwilling or reluctant to record anything that is involved in the family because they make assumptions about family life; they say the family is seen as a private sphere and anything that happens inside that sphere should not be interfered by any outised parties like agencies or the ...

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