What is art?

Authors Avatar by petrovadsh (student)
        Well, what is art? It includes painting, music, cinema and theatre. Art plays a great role in our life. Art surrounds us everywhere. Sometimes it entertains us, but what is more important, it gives us many opportunities for personal development.  It is necessary to remember that art attracts our attention to different sides of our life. But we are different and our tastes differ. Some people look for fresh impressions and new emotions. Others look for new ideas and unusual points of view.         I am going
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to tell you about theatre. The first theatrical performances took place in ancient Greece. Theatre, as we understand it today, is based on 3 things...!!!! The forms of performances are various: drama, opera, operetta, ballet and musical. Genres can be also different-from comedies to tragedies. Theatre requires the work of many specialists- playwrights, directors, actors, singers, dancers and conductors. Moreover, the work of scene workers, illuminators, dressers is very important too.                                                                                         Another type of art is cinema. Cinema is much younger than theatre. It was born in France at the end of the 19th century and quickly spread all over ...

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