Is the UK heading for a recession in the next two or three years?

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Is the UK heading for a recession in the next two or three years? Evaluate the evidence and arguments for and against the economy going into a recession.

A recession is a stage in the business cycle when economic activity is in slow decline, and it is usually characterised by economic indicators such as rising unemployment, high inflation and economic growth. By these characteristics, the UK is heading for a recession, as it currently contains all of these characteristics. The UK is also suffering from a ‘Credit Crunch’, which enforces the view that the UK is heading for a recession. On the other hand, there is evidence that suggests that the UK is not heading for a recession, for example the 2008 Budget made by the Chancellor of Exchequer Alistar Darling.

The level of inflation indicates a recession as it is caused by demand for goods and services, followed by an increase in price levels, which leads to an increase in inflation. This can be illustrated by the supply and demand diagram below.

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The graph below show how inflation has risen over the last two years, with CPI inflation “2.5 per cent up in February 2008 from 2.2 per cent in January 2008”.  

Exchange rates can also show if the UK is heading towards a recession. For example, if the Pound Sterling is stronger than the US dollar (as it ...

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