Moral and motivation report - Working with people in teams.

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I Amanda Robinson, Assistant Personnel Manager with James Watt Hotel, have been asked by the Personnel Manager to submit a report on the subject of Moral and Motivation within the organisation.  This report is a result of problems that have been highlighted by a preliminary survey conducted by an independent body.  Report to be submitted by 28 January 2003.



After studying the preliminary report I spent 2 weeks researching the problem of Moral and Motivation within the hotel.  My research took the form of observations and face-to-face interviews.  Also researched were the personnel records of staff within the hotel.

 My observations gave me insight into how staff interacted with each other, management and our customers.

Face- to- face interviews randomly selected from various departments within the hotel gave me great insight into more detailed problems and grievances felt by a number of staff.

My reasoning for researching personnel records was to collect information on indicators of low moral such as level of absenteeism, level of grievances, incidence of complaints and the high level of staff turnover.


The following problems have been identified from the preliminary survey conducted by an independent body.

  • Staff believe they are overworked.

  • Staff believe pay is low.

  • Staff believe promotion prospects are poor.

  • Staff believe little/no training is given.

  • Staff believe they are not encouraged to air grievances.

  • Staff perceive a “them and us” attitude between them and management.

  • Staff believe communications are very formal.

  • Staff are concerned that they are not consulted when new investments/equipment is ordered.

  • An analysis of customer complaints suggests “unpleasant atmosphere” “miserable staff” and “poor service” throughout the hotel.

The survey also revealed a wide cross-section of managerial styles.  Some members of management were only concerned about getting work completed, with no regard to the welfare of employees, some were concerned with only the welfare of employees with no concern for the standard of work, and then a few were neither concerned for the employees or the standard of work.

After spending 2 weeks conducting my own research, as detailed before, into the problem of Moral and Motivation, my findings are as follows.


Chambermaid felt very overworked claiming there was not enough staff to deal with the size of the hotel.  This was made worse by the fact that there was a high number of absenteeism and a high turnover of staff, which amounted to staff having to work even harder and faster to compensate.  They felt unable to get through the work to a high standard as they were allocated very little time to complete each room.  The Housekeeping departments’ staff room also gave them reason for complaint.  They felt their room was dull and dreary compared with other rooms set aside for staff.  Uniforms were another grievance they had.  They felt their uniform was not replaced on a regular basis and felt they looked drabby and washed out.

The bar staff felt the quality of work was lacking and some staff were annoyed at starting their shift in an empty bar.  They claimed that almost every time they came on shift they had to start and restock the bar, something that should be done by bar staff at the end of their shift.  Another problem highlighted was that at busy times they were constantly running out of clean glasses because they were too busy to go out and collect the glasses in.

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The Housekeeping department felt they were “looked down on” by other members of staff.  I found that most staff working in this department was educated to a basic standard with no previous work experience or adequate training.  They also felt relations were strained between them and the Head Housekeeper.  They found communications very formal and the Head Housekeeper unapproachable to their welfare and concerns.  They voiced annoyance that sometimes it could take days to track down the Head Housekeeper as she always seemed busy at other aspects of her position.  Also I ...

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