Planning involves setting objective and decision in the organisation, in order to achieve its goals. For example Ocean view hotel, was successful when Meg Barrows was running the hotel and now they need to make it successful again

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Ocean View Hotel

Task 1:

The function of management is what manager does in the organisation and following functions are:

* Planning involves setting objective and decision in the organisation, in order to achieve its goals. For example Ocean view hotel, was successful when Meg Barrows was running the hotel and now they need to make it successful again. The planning of the hotel would be this time to set up new objectives and new decision. Other planning will include food menu, staff-meeting, rotas for staff and events happening in the hotel.

* Organising- this would be the manager setting task individuals and pairs. Organising the staff's wages. Organising meeting with staffs and suppliers. Ocean view hotel will have to make sure that dining hall is clean, well organised table with its menu book on each table. While guest are out of their rooms, that the cleaners, clean the rooms.

* Controlling- making sure all individuals fits in with plan, to establish performance objective of the hotel and to monitor staffs. For example Ocean view hotel will want to control staff performance, to see how well staffs are doing and see if some of the staff needs training and development.

* Co-ordinating- If Ocean view hotel employees co-operates to the planning and organising everything its done and then the manager will bale to co-ordinate successfully. This shows that Ocean view hotel is achieving together has a team and this when co-ordinating is made.

* Motivating- Mangers need to motivate staff to come to work. This will include promotion, fair schemes of pay, work and welfare. Training scheme, For example Ocean view hotel might think of putting one of the employees in a high position level and recommend to training course, just to improve some their skill and finally the course will be paid by the manager.

* Budgeting- a budget is future plan, forecasting how resources will be used. This will be financial resources.

* Recruitment & Selection is about selecting and keeping the best people to work for the organisation. Ocean view hotel needs to advertise a job; it must have clearly explaining, what duties and responsibility of the job will be. Recruitment and selection is important because the hotel needs to check which applicant best meet criteria. Candidates who match the description that has been required are selected and the candidate's are given interview.

* Training and developing is guiding or teaching someone to do something by providing them with a planned programme of their new job. The purpose of training is that training develops the skills and knowledge of employees to help them do their job better. Ocean view hotel gives employees the chance to have dream of a better job in the future.

Training and developing is important because they might introduce new methods of equipment or software since computers are changing. All staff will have to be trained. People are more motivated if they continue to learn and develop and staff may be interested in improving and extending their knowledge and skills so that they can undertake more varied work. When a decision is made to train an employee there a number of types of training which can be used:
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* Induction training is for new employees where they gain; learn about the organisation and what types of duties that are expected from them. This training is given on the first day of work.

* Mentoring is for new employees to the business in which are they paired with a more experienced workers.

* Coaching is when you are paired with more experienced workers for example supervisor that will help you to coach, so that you learn new skills.

* Taking Responsibility- this will include health and safety at work is everyone's responsibility. ...

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