Produce a document of customer guidelines to help maintain a safe, secure and healthy sports environment, including methods of distribution and evaluation.

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Task 5

Produce a document of customer guidelines to help maintain a safe, secure and healthy sports environment, including methods of distribution and evaluation.

Write an assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the promotional material and make suggestions for suitable changes and amendments.

Customer Guidelines

  1. No food or drink in the gym

If customers were happily eating food in the gym the smell could put other customers off their workouts. Especially the very people who are in the gym for that very reason “Food”. The last thing someone trying to get fitter needs is to be working out next to someone eating a sausage roll. If such practices were allowed in the gym it would also bring down the overall reputation of the gym which no manager wants. Also if a customer is eating greasy food this could transfer onto the equipment which could be both unhygienic and unpleasant for other customers.

This guideline is needed for hygiene purposes mainly. Food and the gym don’t mix well and it is good to keep them both separate. This guideline is also in place to avoid litter around the gym, if food was allowed no doubt there would be litter which an employee would have to go around picking up.

  1. No running by the poolside area

If you run by a poolside you run the risk of slipping over and injuring yourself.

This is an important guideline as it keeps the customers safe. As well as the customers safety the guideline is there for the leisure centre’s own safety, its reputation. If a customer was to slip and injure themselves, they could easily sue the leisure centre saying there was no “guideline” such as a poster telling them not to run by the poolside. The leisure centre could be sued or in a worst case scenario be shut down.

  1. No diving into the pool

This guideline is in place to stop people injuring themselves by attempting stupid head first dives and hitting their heads on the bottom of the pool. As amusing is it seems it could have bad repercussions for a leisure centre should this happen.

As with above this is a safety guideline. It is important because diving can be dangerous. It can apply to the prevention of a possible suing. If the guideline is implemented through posters the public have no excuse if they injure themselves.

  1. No smoking on the premises

In a gym there will be plenty of people who will take offence to someone smoking.

A leisure centre cannot allow smoking in gym, the first think that comes to my mind is that someone smoking in a gym doesn’t exactly give off an air of “Healthy”. This isn’t the sort of environment a manager of a gym wants. Once smoking is allowed in gyms instructors may as well encourage people to have a bite of a kebab between reps. This guideline is implement because smokers are stupid enough to want smoking allowed in the gyms! As I mentioned earlier there are a lot of non-smokers that go to the gym who seriously wouldn’t appreciate a smoke filled gym. Having a non-smoking gym will give an air of professionalism and attract customers that generally want to get fit.

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  1. Showers must be used before entering the pool

This is a matter of hygiene, a sweaty person who has just been to the gym or someone who is generally unclean shouldn’t enter the pool without showering.

This guideline is put down for hygiene reasons again. True there is chlorine in the water which is a good anti bacterial and germ killer, but it is no excuse for people who have just left the sauna or gym to leave a trail of their excess dirt and grease into the pool.

     6. Customers ...

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