Review of literature on vision, personal and organisation.

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A vision answers the question “What do we want to become?” It calls for the skills, talents, and resources to make future happen. A vision is different from a mission, goal or objective as it must have a clear and compelling imaginary way that offers an innovative way to improve ourselves. Simply stated, a vision is a realistic, credible, attractive, and it inspires one’s future. Walt Disney for example understood the meaning of vision, he knew that dreams are wishes the heart makes and if one can dream it, one can make it happen (Nanus & Dobbs 1999).

        Each person must have their own personal vision in their life, as an example, one would dream to be the first female pilot in Malaysian Airlines but that dream will not come true because at the moment Malaysian Airlines is not prepared to employ a female as one of their pilots. They are not ready to change their traditional mind that pilots are meant for males. Their commercial advertisements reflect this attitude; it showed from the beginning of their operation their pilots have all been males. For that reason, if people want to realise their vision, they will need to relate or share it with the organisational vision. In a way, it gives people a sense of common ownership that enables them to cooperate with and support each other in pursuit of their common destiny (Nanus & Dobbs 1999). A shared vision authorizes and legitimates the activities of all who commit to it and act accordingly. It sanctions people, encouraging them to advance the common effort. As they do so, the vision also enables them to prioritize their efforts and improve their ability to serve their own needs and the needs of the organisation.

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        As noted by Nanus and Dobbs (1999), there are several fundamentals where individual and organisational visions are linked. First, the organisation needs to verbalise with their employee where they (the organisation) are trying to take them; they must show the employee what they like to see this organisation hopes to become; and why it is important for the employee to move towards making his/her vision fulfil the organisation’s vision. Subsequently, the organisation’s vision and its passion must excite the employee and persuade the employee that by moving in towards the same direction, the employee will make a strong contribution ...

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