The Human Resources Function in the Wycombe District Council

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The Human Resources Function in the Wycombe District Council

I have elected to use the Wycombe District Council as a large organization to base my analytical report on its Human Resources function. The council is apart of the public sector.

A Human Resources or a Personnel Department is vital to a business in order for it to keep track of its employees and help employees resolve any problems that may occur while working.

There are four main reasons for having a HR department:

* It encourages employers to develop clear links between their business plans and their HR plans so that they can integrate the two more effectively

* Organisations can control staff costs and the number of employees more effectively.

* Employers can build up a skill profile for each of their employees. This makes it easier for employers to give work where its can be most valued for its organisation. Also plans for training and updating skills can be applied.

* It creates a profile of staff (relating gender, race, disability), which is necessary for the operation of Equal Opportunities (which my chosen firm incorporates)

Having a HR department has shown the following contemporary changes to businesses:

* A decline in the proportion of employees that reside by trade unions.

* A decline in the proportion of employees whose pay is set by unionised collective bargaining

* A rise in the range of employment issues that are lacking in originality, from a managerial outline

* A corresponding rise in the amount of part time, short term, contracted out employment

Human Resources (Personnel) is responsible for many of the ins and outs of the business, as you may know in this particular business, Personnel and Human Resources is integrated. This adds a greater pressure for the Council to act diligently, but simultaneously, it can give more flexibility. Personnel keeps, information on all of the councils employee's i.e. address, telephone and history of that certain individual. With the integration of Human Resources staff turnover can be forecasted and relevant actions can be taken to evade losses.
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Although there is an element of integration the usual HR officers are still deployed.

The officers typically analyse the output of the employees within certain departments and takes notes on how to improve performance output.

There is another method used in this particular business, in the way of monitoring how much work, is done by each individual, this method is deployed by joint effort of Human Resources and ISD (computer section of council).

The council has a special operating system called QSP, now in order to use the computers a login procedure is upheld.

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