The Mixed Market and the Command/Planned Economy.

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The Mixed Market and the Command/Planned Economy

        An economic system is the way in which a the world organizes itself to address the problem of scarcity. The two main economic systems currently the most widespread in the world are the mixed market economy (with only market organization), and the planned economy (with only planned organization). in spite of there being two main economic systems, the majority of the world still prefers to follow the market system idea, as it is considered to be more successful. Nevertheless, there are of course qualities to both economies. While the qualities of the mixed market economy lie more from an individual’s standpoint, the command economy’s qualities theoretically are meant to benefit the nation.


In modern industrialized countries (where change has been rapid since the industrial revolution), the choice of resource allocation (the assignment of resources to specific uses) is between using a mixed market or a planned economy. Glanville also states that, “the ideology between the two was a major divisive force between communist countries of eastern Europe and China, as well as in democratic countries of the west after World War 2”. This is due to the different schemes that the two different systems follow. Market systems tend to be found with private ownership of capital and land, and planned systems with social ownership, where the rights reside in a group of people, such as the government. The two systems tend to be practiced by different sorts of governments, because of the implications that are entailed. Nonetheless, both propose different qualities that the states must consider.

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        The mixed market economy follows the Adam Smith’s philosophy that one must “let the economy operate according to natural laws”. This is also known as the “laissez-faire” theory, which the market economy abides by, but the major format in which it operates is related to the self-interest of the individual, which implies the aim of one getting the most profit as possible. There are various factors that make up this form of economy. The first is the private ownership of property, which is effective in motivating people to work as hard as they can to buy and own more goods. ...

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