McDonalidization. While eating out is becoming the easiest alternative to a sit down dinner at home, its prominence on efficiency and convenience over quality is harmful to us as human beings. It is too easy to place the blame on the companies when the on

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Lauren Klibingat

AP English Literature Period 1



        You have been working all day long, answering telephone calls and filing papers. Its lunch time and you've only got thirty minutes to eat. No problem; there's a McDonald's only five minutes away. You could go there-its hot, fast, and it's convenient. Apparently, they also have healthy foods like chicken, fish and well cooked burgers on their menu that always have “backlit color photographs.” Over millions of people are served at fast food restaurants every day in America, and why not? They are strategically located throughout nearly every American city, and are eternally searching for ways to speed up our daily routines.

McDonalds and other fast food industries have all led to the downfall of American life. Eric Schlosser explicates how quickly and methodically the fast food business has taken over our country from its first infatuation with fast food to its origins. Schlosser discusses how nearly every aspect of today’s society has been affected by McDonaldization. Rational systems are dehumanizing our society and seem to be even more irrational than convenient. All because the lack of human decency and the greed that feeds it is a direct reflection of who we are and what we stand for.

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        Globalization is taking the fast food culture around the world at a rapid rate. Industries like McDonalds promote mass production and profits by keeping their labor and materials cost low. Thus allowing Americans to spend more money on fast food than any other personal consumption, due to the fact that Americans are constantly on the go and that they end up neglecting their diet. Most of the people you see working at fast food restaurants are newly immigrants or adolescents, whom often don’t have many career options and will put up with the minimum wage pay and hours without ...

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