You are what you eat and do not eat.

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‘’You are what you eat.’’  The food we consume determines our physical and psychological health. The muscles in the body, and the blood flowing through the veins, are all supplied by the food that we consume. These foods also have an effect on the way the brain functions, and an effect on the body’s performance.  People might say they are hungry and genuinely believe it when in fact they are feeling sad. This is due to the lack of neuro- chemicals in the brain which carry messages and control nerve impulses.  When the right types of food are eaten, the neuro- chemicals contained in the foods enhances mental capabilities such as defusing stress.  The serotonin, dopamine and endorphin levels in the brain change.  Dopamine is related with alertness, used for fast reflexes, ‘’mental energy’’ and assists with problem solving.  Serotonin helps to improve the mood and is a regulating hormone.  It is important that a well balanced diet is consumed, eating an appropriate amount from each food group.  Today’s diet has drifted a long way off the ideal intake and balance of nutrients. Research will focus on a wide variety of diet related issues and its effect on the bodily systems.

A healthy balanced diet should consist of:

  • 60% CARBOHYDRATES- an important constituent of almost all foods and an excellent source of energy food. If consumed before and after a workout, the workout will be more effective. According to The balance of good health sheet, a person should consume 6-14 measures of carbohydrates per day.

Sources include: bread, beans, pasta, rice, dried fruit etc.

  • 25%FATS-  Function of fats are:
  1. Production of and storage of energy in the body
  2. Supports organs in the body eg. Kidneys and eyes.
  3. Transports fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)
  4. Forms part of the nervous sheath and sebum in the sebaceous gland.
  5. Used in the formation of cholesterol and steroid hormones.

            Sources include: Milk, cheese, butter, eggs, meat, oily fish, margarine, vegetable oils.

  • 15% PROTEIN- involved in building and repairing tissues. Their functions are:
  1. To provide energy and heat.
  2. To provide roughage in the diet

           Too much excess protein can place undue stress on the kidneys and excrete calcium.

  • VITAMINS- are essential for health. Each vitamin has many functions so they are listed in a table format later.
  • MINERALS – inorganic compounds important for all bodily processes.
  • WATER -6-8 glasses of water daily- water is a very important constituent of the body as the body is made up of 40-60% water and muscle is 70-72% of water by weight.
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A well balanced diet supplies the recommended daily allowances (RDA’s) and nutrients that vitamin pills lack. Fibre is one of these nutrients. Fibre, also referred to as ‘’roughage’’ can be consumed from whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lentils and beans on a daily basis.  Fruit and vegetable fibre helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood, helping to maintain good energy levels. People in the UK should consume an average ‘’22 grams of fibre a day’’, this has shown to lower rates of bowel diseases such as bowel cancer.  Foods lacking in nutrients can result in faulty ...

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