The Seven Deadly Sins: Response Phase

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Seven Deadly Sins Stimulus

   The stimulus we were given was The Seven Deadly sins which we interpreted in different ways. We started the workshop on “x” November and continued to study it for 8 drama lessons. I had previous knowledge of the stimulus and knew that they are immoral faults committed by man in different forms. When I researched the seven deadly sins into more depth I found that there were many different names for each sin, they derive from the Christian bible and they are the opposites of the Seven Virtues.

  When in class we decided on the names and terms we would use collectively so not to get confused when referring to them.


   This is where you want more than you need such as money or food.


   Being idle and not excelling at your talents.


   Sexual desires that you shouldn’t be having.

   Can be defined as either losing your temper easily or being angry generally.


   This is where you are jealous of something that is beyond your reach, for example hair or personality.

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   Loving your self or seeing yourself to be more important than others.


   This is where you want something that someone else has in terms of material item, for instance shoes, houses or televisions.

   These sins could be personified as objects or we could base a character on one of these sins.

Still Images

   A still image is a snapshot of a scene that best represents that scene. One person can act as a sculptor to position individuals in the group to improve the still image.

   As ...

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