Ogres are like onions Account for the universal popularity of Shrek How is this achieved?

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“Ogres are like onions”

Account for the universal popularity of ‘Shrek’

How is this achieved?

The film ‘Shrek’, released in 2001, is enormously popular. It appeals to everyone – adults, teenagers and children. The film has “layers” meaning people see the film at different levels. Initial interest first arose around ‘Shrek’ because of the computer generated graphics the film used, which at the time of release were a very new and original at the time of release, which in turn attracted people to see the film, to see this ‘new’ form of medium. Another reason for this initial popularity is the cast list, which features voiceovers from some very famous, well-liked, funny actors and actresses who have good reputations amongst the public. The film also featured lots of new, modern and popular music from ‘fashionable’ music artists. However after this initial interest arose, more and more people decided to watch ‘Shrek’ especially families, and ‘Shrek’ still is a popular film. But how did the films producers achieve this overall popularity for ‘Shrek’?

        One reason for ‘Shrek’s’ popularity is the traditional fairytale elements it contains. The film immediately begins with an old leather bound book. An old, conventional voice reads the traditional fairytale beginning – “Once upon a time…in the tallest room at the top of the tallest tower…but none prevailed.” Being at the start, this sets the scene for what is to come. All the usual fairytale characters are featured too all collected from different stories. We see the Three Pigs, the Wolf that blew their house down, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, the Gingerbread man and many more. ‘Shrek’ also has a traditional storyline – the knight’s quest to save the beautiful princess. This feature works well because a lot of people know about fairytales, meaning that parents would be prepared to bring their children along to see the film, because the fairytale storyline guarantees that the film will be child friendly, leaving parents satisfied that they can bring their children to see the film therefore increasing the overall popularity of the film because children are a large type of group who visit the cinema. All this is what one would expect from a boring old fairytale.

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        Yet not all is this way. One feature that makes ‘Shrek’ so well-liked is the clever way in which the films’ producers manager to ‘subvert’ the fairytale. It is this that makes ‘Shrek’ so funny making the film popular. Whereas all the roles for a traditional fairytale are there, the characters that play them are wrong and mixed up in some way. The rescuer of the princess isn’t the handsome prince people would expect – it’s actually a green, smelly, ugly ogre. The princess too is supposed to be a beautiful princess yet she ‘unfortunately’ turns into an ogre at ...

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