According To Critics Popular Culture Is: Superficial Formula Based

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Rick Green – Communication Studies

According To Critics Popular Culture Is:

  • Superficial
  • Formula Based
  • Mass Produced For Cheapness
  • Standardised

Using examples explore the strengths and weaknesses of this argument.

Culture has never been given a specific meaning; there are many different things that people perceive culture as. The difference between high culture and popular culture is frequently a matter of taste or judgement. Popular culture has been a problem for as long as there has been something called "popular culture."

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High culture according to some has durability i.e. it lasts for a long period of time for example: Beethoven, Mona Lisa, Mozart and Leonardo De Vinci. More select audiences such as opera, ballet, proms and art galleries are considered to have high value.

There are many ideas/icons of high culture Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and William Wordsworth which all use universal themes and ideas eg. Jealousy….. Popular cultures include Tabloids, Soap Operas, Reality TV, KFC, MTV appeal more to the senses of people. A lot of these are mass produced mainly for cheapness which makes it appeal able for the creators ...

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