Act Three Scene One is a Turning Point in the Play, Bearing in Mind What Comes Before and After, How Does Shakespeare Makes This Scene So Dramatic?

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Act Three Scene One is a Turning Point in the Play, Bearing in Mind What Comes Before and After, How Does Shakespeare Makes This Scene So Dramatic?

Romeo and Juliet is a dramatic love tragedy situated in Verona, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet declare forbidden love as both houses have a terrible feud help amongst them.  Their love, however, is too powerful so they both commit to a hurried marriage and immediately after, in act three scene one their circumstances pay the consequences.  Shakespeare uses many devices to capture how dramatic this scene really is, for instance, how rapid the pace is set; the feud held between the families; eruption before act three scene one and the characters themselves.  Tybalt Capulet is always seeking an excuse to fight the Montague’s and he finds the perfect one when he discovers Romeo intruding his Capulet ball.  He maintains his anger towards Romeo and in act three scene one he demands to fight him.  Romeo, on the other hand, in now married to his cousin, he declines Tybalt’s offer to fight, this action causes more hatred towards Romeo and fury builds inside Tybalt.  The audience knows something will happen due to Tybalt’s character being fierce; angry; determined; violent and more.  His character would not overlook how Romeo intruded into the ball.  This is the turning point, before, Romeo and Juliet were overjoyed with the situation but now matters are getting worse, all the pressure is getting built up until act three scene one and then it collapses.  Shakespeare would want to make it melodramatic because it’s the climax point, this is the last time this pay would have things happening smoothly so it has to have a built up of tension to get the full effect.

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The characters create heat in act three scene one for instance, Benvolio is always forewarning the audience of oncoming danger, “Part fools! // Put up your swords you know what you do.”  Benvolio is alerting about the later tragedy, he is a peace maker, he does not enjoy the two houses fighting and tries to prevent it.  He feels that everyone would be better if the fighting stopped and the two houses could put aside their differences and befriend each other once again.  Romeo rushes events, which causes an unsteady pace of the play, it is felt that he ...

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