Analyse and Compare the Portrayal of Prejudice In the Novel and the Film ‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’.

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To Kill a Mocking Bird is set in the Deep South, Alabama, during the years 1933 –1935. The social context of this period is the theme that pervades this novel and is important and relevant to almost everything that occurs. Farming states of the south were suffering drought and failing crops and there was poverty everywhere due to economic collapse and the great Wall Street crash of 1929. At the beginning of the novel the great social deprivation that followed the crash is seen in the typical lives of the people in the typical town of Maycomb. The capitalist system has failed and many people left destitute, and with failed crops and starvation creeping over the country it was a truly terrible time in rural areas. The Great Depression also heralded great social upheaval creating a restless working class. People lost the security of a settled social hierarchy when everything was thrown into turmoil, and the social structure disintegrated. One of the main characters in the story, Scout, a white girl, describes her small, sleepy town at the height of the Depression:

“Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men's stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon after their three o'clock naps. And by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer. There's no hurry, for there's nowhere to go and nothing to buy...and no money to buy it with. Although Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself.”

The imagery Scout uses to describe her town conveys a town caught in limbo unable to do anything due to the Depression and the heat. When she talks about the men’s collars we understand that by nine o’clock everything was already so hot that the starched collars of shirts were already wilting and soft with sweat. The domestic analogy of ‘soft teacakes’ to portray the women gives a vivid picture of plump, blowsy women, shiny with sweat and damp talcum.

Alabama was to play a key role in the American Civil War and it began in 1819 when it was admitted to the ‘Union’ of states. Forty years later civil was broke out over the right to use black people as slaves in the Southern states. The southern states said they required these cheap labour slaves for their work on the plantations: coffee, sugar, cotton, and tobacco. The blacks were a fundamental part of the South’s economy. These States then broke away from the rest of the United States to create the ‘Confederate States’ of America, which lead to the Civil War.

After the Civil War the Southerners never really forgave the North for ruining their homes, society and economy. Afraid of the retaliation they might be faced with from the blacks after the Civil War, the whites employed a more restrained, yet just as cruel, form of racism. The police would turn a blind eye to violence and abuse towards the black community and often the blacks were used as scapegoats.  Even up to the 1950s, school segregation was widely accepted throughout the nation. In fact, it was required by law in most southern states. In 1954 segregation was declared unconstitutional, overthrowing the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson ruling that had set the "separate but equal" precedent, but in the 1930s, hatred and contempt for blacks was considered to be the usual way of thinking.

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Woven into the main theme of racial prejudice are threads of social, or class, and gender prejudice. We are introduced to the Ewells and Cunnighams, considered to be poor white trash, one step up from the blacks; Boo Radley, a social outcast, and Scout, who is regularly put down and insulted by her own brother for behaving like a girl. These themes become part of the story as it unfolds, as they were in real life at that time. They are used both in the book and the film, subtly and noticeably to strengthen our opinions on the various issues ...

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