Assess the effectiveness of the visual and verbal response to 9/11

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Assess the effectiveness of the visual and verbal response to 9/11

It is an undisputed fact that 9/11 is one of the most infamous and life changing events in the western world in living memory. On the 9th of September 2001 2 planes hijacked by Muslim extremists devastated the 2 towers of the world trade centre killing over two thousand and five hundred people. The amount of media response to it has been immeasurable. One of the most famous pieces goes under the title of 9/11 released exactly a year later. Created by two French filmmakers with the intention of filming a documentary on the New York City fire service, this documentary has been of great importance especially since it contains the most famous and only shot of the first plane making contact. The famously opinionated journalist Salman Rushdie also did a piece on the event using his unique satirical style.

The documentary begins with a 3 minute summary which in itself is worthy of analysis. One of the first shots is of the towers at sunset bathed in a red glow and a solitary seagull passing by. This attempts to convey a sense of tranquillity, a sharp contrast to what was to follow, in order to instil sympathies almost with the buildings themselves.

The seagull could also represent the first plane perhaps or be a symbol for how serene and almost natural New York was before the event (there are no other buildings or cars in the shot).

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There is then a cut to a shot of a normal day on a NY street, again showing the mundane and peaceful nature of what was disturbed, intensified by the removal of all traffic noise from the soundtrack.

The next shot is what the filmmakers intended to be a piece on the firemen fixing a leaking gas main, again emphasising the mundane which was to be disturbed by the extraordinary. The speech is phased out as a terrible roar is heard, to affirm the importance of this moment. All of the firemen involved look up in astonishment and the ...

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