Between one panicstricken yell and another, he heard thunderous waves roaring as they engulfed and crushed their way through Phuket.

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Turmoil had spread in a blink of an eye, and the peaceful Phuket would soon become a graveyard for hundred thousands. His heart thumped hard against his chest, pumping adrenaline throughout his trembling body. Pearl-sized sweat drops dripped along his jaw, down his neck and into his already sweat-drenched t-shirt. Each mouthful of the damp air felt stagnant and unreal. With his eyes set on the hill far in the distance, he darted away from the mad flow of people and weaved between the final buildings. Courageously turning around and peeking at the six-storey murky waters devouring the first buildings on the coast, he ditched his flip-flops mid-run and little jagged fragments dug into the soles of his feet. Nevertheless, they persistently pounded on the solid ground.  Between one panic-stricken yell and another, he heard thunderous waves roaring as they engulfed and crushed their way through Phuket.

The faint smell of disinfectant drifts in the air, and as I open my eyes, I feel a little blinded by the titanium white walls. A blurry pink figure moves towards me, and seems to mouth something, but I don’t know whether it’s the weight of my eyelids, or the weight of my head that seems to insist the world fades to black.

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Having double-checked that the key card was in my left pocket, I gently shut the door to my room. As I descended the few steps that led to the hotel lobby, my Brazilian Havaianas flapped annoyingly like fish out of water. The man behind the check-in desk nodded his head politely, mouthing what probably was “sa-wa-dee-krup”, which is Thai for “hello”. A rush of hot and moistened air welcomed me as I stepped outside. I lowered my shades and began to wonder whether I had put on enough sunscreen to withstand the vicious UV rays from the blazing sun.


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