Bolwing for Columbine essay

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Bowling for columbine essay- topic two.

“Why not use Gandhi’s way? He didn’t have guns, and he beat the British Empire.” Bowling for columbine take s a look at the large amount of gun related deaths happening in America each year and what it is that is causing these. Michael Moore investigates many different reasons for the large number but eventually comes to the conclusion that it is not the actual physical number of guns that causes the problem. If it’s not the guns, then what is it? Many causes are said to contribute to the issue but three major points are the main focus of the documentary.

The American gun culture is probably the most prominent reason to why the gun related casualty rate is so high. Moore presents a case study, comparing the American gun culture to the Canadian gun culture. Canada has the same legal gun laws, so why is it that their yearly gun related casualty rate is just over 100, where America’s is just over 11,000? During this study, he interviews random people in Canada asking them whether or not they feel safe in their country. All the Canadians shown in the documentary say that they feel safe enough to even leave their doors unlocked at all times. Moore goes even further to prove his point by actually walking up to residences homes in Canada and opening their door. Clearly surprised at not getting his head blown off, Moore questions “you’re not afraid?” only to be questioned back with “should I be afraid?”. Flabbergasted, Moore walks off saying “Thanks for not shooting me”. So, if Canada presumes that they don’t shoot each other to smithereens because they feel safe, then why is it that the Americans have these shocking numbers? Moore continues to investigate, starting with fear built up from the media.

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Moore presents the media as a strong influence to the American population. He successfully attempts to show the fear accumulated from the Americans by the constant violence presented on the news, in the papers, in the magazines and repetitively displayed widely across film screens. Once again, the Canadian comparison is good proof to show negative evidence against America and more strongly backing up Moore’s point of view. As Moore is speaking about the difference between what America shows on their television and what Canada shows on theirs, a trivial excerpt from the Canadian news is being displayed across the ...

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