Book Review - New Moon

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Book Review: New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

“New Moon” is the second book in the “Twilight” saga following “Twilight.” Written by Stephenie Meyer, it is the story of Bella Swan and her love for the vampire, Edward Cullen. The four books in the series follow their troubles against other vampires and trying to make their relationship work due to the problematic fact that they are two different species.

   In the first book, Twilight, Bella moves from her home in Phoenix with her mother, Renée to a miniscule town in Washington named Forks to be with her father, Charlie. There, at her first day of school she notices a family of extraordinarily beautiful people, The Cullens.

   There are five children in the Cullen family, Edward, Emmet, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie. There are two adults named Carlisle and Esme.

   After having a biology class with Edward she is amazed by his reaction to her, he is tense and is sitting as far away as possible. The next day he is nowhere to be seen and doesn’t return to school for another week. Bella believes its her fault and plans to confront him on what his problem is but she is stopped before she gets the chance. When standing by her car, a van suddenly skids towards her and before she knows it she’s in Edward’s arms and he has saved her from her almost fatal accident. Bella is amazed at what he did and will not let it go that he could not have gotten all the way across the parking lot to her in time, and how he managed to stop a van from ramming into the both of them.

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    After a talk with an old childhood friend, Jacob, who lives in the Reservation, she discovers Edward’s true identity as a vampire. Bella explains to him, she doesn’t care because she loves him. Edward finally confesses everything to her, explaining about his family and how he came to be a vampire, he tells her of his extra ability to read people’s minds, though he cannot seem to read hers. Alice can see into the future and Jasper has the power to alter people’s emotions. While out with the Cullens, Bella comes across a clan of nomad vampires, James, ...

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