Commentary on 'The Explorer's Daughter

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Jason Lin 11T

In what ways is the writer able to convey the contradictory feelings and emotions she experiences in relation to the hunting of the narwhal?

On one hand the writer describes the scene she sees in front of her a ‘glittering kingdom’ with evening light ‘turning butter-gold, glinting off man and whale’ suggesing an intense and exciting moment, yet, she ‘urged the narwhal to dive, to leave, to survive’ while the hunter was trying to hunt for the whale. Notice the use of triplets ‘to dive, to leave, to survive’ indicates the immense struggle within the writer’s heart. Compared to her family and other local Inuits she is certainly sentimental with mixed, contradictory emotions. She confesses herself – ‘in that split second my heart leapt for both hunter and narwhal.’ She can’t help but to feel urged and breathless for ironically both of the opposing characters.

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Narwhals are portrayed as nutritious and beneficial consumables that local people eat and live on, while they’re hinted as mild and gentle creatures who ‘do not use the tusk to break through ice as a breathing hole, nor will they use it to catch or attack prey, but rather the primary use seems to be to disturb the top of the sea bed.’ Her statements once again bear characteristics of her confound thoughts, suggesting her capricious emotion towards the situation.

In the fifth paragraph, not only did the narrator manages to demonstrate penchant and venerability towards the hunters, but ...

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2 stars ** The writer makes some perceptive comments and analyses language accurately. Lapses in expression and ill chosen words make the meaning unclear in some places. More quotes need to be included in the final paragraph to support statements.