Comparison of 'Ambulances' and 'First sight'

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Sophie Birkett

Comparison of 'Ambulances' and 'First sight'

The two poems I have chosen have similarities and contrasts. Ambulances is about an ambulance being a symbol of death, and as living beings, it 'brings closer what is left to come' for us. Larkin suffered from necrophobia and this is thus reflected in poems such as Ambulances where he passionately talks about his underlying fears always being there, lying 'just under all we do.' First Sight however is all to do with life and the first things lambs see and experience when first born into this world and is therefore all to do with birth as opposed to Ambulances death. As a similarity though, Larkin was very fond of animals and after he died, he left a large sum of money to the RSPCA. Therefore his passion about animals is reflected in this poem, as they are innocent, suggested from the use of the word 'white' but born into a hostile world, which they have to cope with.
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The poetic voice in both the poems are third person and although the views may be of a narrator figure who is not Larkin, because of his passion to both subject themes, the views expressed in the poems are safely his.

Ambulance comes from the word Ambulare, which is Latin for 'to walk/move.' Not only is this movement shown in the poem with the visiting of all streets and the traffic parting, but it also connects to First Sight where the first line is about movement, 'Lambs that learn to walk in snow.'

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