Consider how Jane Austen Portrays Marriage in Pride and Prejudice

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Consider how Jane Austen Portrays Marriage in Pride and Prejudice

‘It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife.’ The fact that Austen opens Pride and Prejudice with this sentence is evident that the theme is going to be important. Also it holds a truth as well as being satirical and humorous. As a beginning sentence, we know that this idea of marriage will be expanded later on and become more important as the novel commences. Austen fills the novel's dialogue with irony, making people such as Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins reveal their foolishness to the reader through their ridiculous comments. Pride and Prejudice is a love story that is both humorous and deeply serious. It shows a mixture of emotions on all the characters behalf. Satire is used a great deal, where Austen criticises people in a humorous way. This is due to the fact that for a woman in this period, marriage was the surest route to independence and freedom. The story is based on a series of conflicts, the central one is between Elizabeth and Darcy, and smaller ones concerning the other characters. Jane Austen portrays marriage in Pride and Prejudice in various ways. The first idea is true and deep love, and that they would want to be together forever regardless of money or social class. This reason alone should be why the couple marry. Another idea would be money, people may have chosen to marry due each other having a substantial amount of money or land. Some marriages may be very passionate or in contrast they could be quite forced. All the marriages in the novel vary as they are all slightly different under different circumstances.

Austen chooses to portray the Bennet’s marriage mainly by Elizabeth’s thoughts and opinions. Their marriage is rather different to any others. Mr. Bennet proposed when Mrs Bennet was rather young. This meant she was naïve and not thinking about the consequences fully. Elizabeth’s father chose to marry her mother because he was ‘captivated by her youth and beauty’. The older the couple became, the more they argued. ‘You mistake me my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least.’ This shows us that they have been together for at least twenty years and they still argue with each other. In addition, it shows that she uses ridicule. Mr. Bennet puts up with Mrs Bennet even though she may become annoyed by little things. Mrs Bennet has an uncertain temper and when she was discontented, she became really nervous. As she became more and more nervous, she took out her nerves and anger on her husband. Due to this and other reasons, Mr. Bennet discovered that she has a ‘weak understanding and illiberal mind.’ Mrs Bennet is desperate for all of her daughters to get married and settle down with a family, ‘Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; favour five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!’ whereas Mr. Bennet is not as bothered whether they do get married or stay single for the rest of their lives. Austen uses this marriage to represent how not all marriages work out perfectly, and that sometimes there are arguments.

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Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins married for a reason that Austen does not agree with. They both married for convenience, practicality and to achieve a desired social rank. Charlotte wanted to settle down in a ‘comfortable home’, and Mr. Collins wanted to ‘set an example of matrimony in his parish’ and ‘add very greatly to my happiness’. Collins also wanted to follow the ‘recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling Patroness’. Mr. Collins had a fair amount of money, so Lady and Sir Lucas did not disapprove of their daughter’s marriage. Charlotte married to ...

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