Creative Writing

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He woke up.  His blanket still only reached down to half his body as his legs began to shiver. He reached an arm out towards the cacophonous noise which was coming from his alarm, and switched it off.  Still half asleep he delved into his briefcase to find a second blanket to keep him warmer and more comfortable than he was at the moment.  Although he knew he had work to finish he felt like a couple more minutes of sleep to catch up from Friday night. However he knew his work was far too important to be a few minutes or even seconds late.  So he got up with enthusiasm like a jumping jack and looked left and right. He then turned around on his makeshift bed and lied down on his stomach looking out three roads ahead and admiring the best day of autumn, focusing on one house in particular. A little insect crawled near to his fingers, but instead of killing it he let it crawl upon his hand and guided it away from him. He also used his hand to pick up an M40A3 sniper rifle which lay beside him adjacent to his huge jet black briefcase.  He looked across the roads again, this time with a focused zoom from the telescope, as he sighted down to the front of the wooden blue house.

        The man had taken camp in a tall, dilapidated building which had no roof probably due to a fire.  Leaving the carcase of the top floor as an excellent hiding place for people like him to have a good view of other parts of the town as the building was on the top of a quiet hillside. He looked upwards to where the ceiling once was and watched the dark grey clouds glide into the path of the sun’s light. In a split second the whole atmosphere had changed. The greyness in the sky could only reflect the dim, dark thoughts in this man’s conscience. It became very windy and gusty throughout the whole neighbourhood and the autumn leaves whistled as the wind blew past them. Before he knew it had already began to drizzle on the leaves which had already reached the ground. And he felt somewhat uncomfortable, as the water soaked through his jade green felt blanket. Around him lay an ash-filled cigarette tray and a packet of cigarettes. The set of furniture was full of black dust particles from the fire; however you could obviously tell they were very expensive chairs from the fabric and elegant tassels, which mostly hanged from a few remaining threads. He picked up his metallic flask and began to sip some of his creamy tea.

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He then glanced down again with his scope focusing on the blue house once again. A large book from the antique bookshelf near him fell down taking his concentration away to glance across the room to inspect what happened. He then got back in position. He zoomed past the skinny, bare branches of trees onto the name of the street which read, Letchworth Road. Beyond the trees he had spotted a shiny, silver Rover 75 roll up the street and into the drive of the blue house. The car had clearly been driven in the countryside nearby by looking at ...

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