Creative Writing -The forbidding House!!!

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Karthik Manthena      11 Palmer

Creative Writing –The forbidding House!!!

It was a cold winter’s night. The wind was whistling through the bare branches of the trees. The dead leaves were dancing noisily across pavements and all was still.

That night I was walking down Old St.Paul’s Road when the clouds started to build. I looked around as I huddled under a large, dead oak tree. I had noticed that almost all of the houses on this abandoned street were too badly damaged for us to take shelter in, except for one.  Lightning split the night sky without a sound, illuminating the skeletal trees outside. The old Victorian house shook to its very foundations as the peal of thunder rumbled hatefully across the shimmering, tempestuous lake.

 Should I stay under the tree and risk getting hit by lightning or should I go into that old house, not knowing who, or what, might be in there? The storm had decided for me. Lightning hit the tree, filling the air with the scent of scorched sap. I dashed onto the porch and pounded on the door to find it was open. As I went into the corridor, suddenly the door had smashed shut. What was that? I felt, my heart in my mouth. I slowly turned around. I didn't see anyone, but that didn't mean that there couldn't be someone else in the house with me. I hesitated. I approached the closest room to my right that happened to be the living room. I heard a crash.  I jumped and almost dropped the lantern. My heart stopped as I listened for another sound. The silence throbbed in my ears. I stood at the bottom of the staircase. The sounds had come from upstairs. I swallowed my fears and climbed the stairs.

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The creaky floorboards spoke eerily for each and every step that I took. The thunder roared loudly, like a wounded animal. The sound of water drip, drip, dripping slowly Increased. Once I got to the top my heart thumped harder and faster as I saw a dark figure in the distance, disturbingly silhouetted in the dark. In the shock I slipped and fell backwards, tumbling down, like rocks on a cliff face. When I got to the bottom, I felt a ghastly throbbing pain in my back, which hurt like hell. I slowly got up and my mind was focused ...

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