Crooks is an educated black cripple who tends horses on the ranch. Of Mice and Men.

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Crooks is an educated black cripple who tends horses on the ranch.  He has been prey of oppressive violence and prejudice and has retired behind an exterior of detachment and reserve, his natural personality deadened and suppressed by years of hostility.  He has known better times and, unlike most southern blacks at that time, was brought up on a small holding run by his father.

This is the type of home longed for by Lennie, George and Candy and, despite his initial cynicism, Crooks also becomes caught up in their dream of escape.  Crook's automatic rejection of friendship or companionship has more to do with the torture of his loneliness than with anything else.

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Once encouraged to do so, he reveals that he has an intelligent awareness of life.  He has thought hard during his long hours of solitude.  

His new found confidence and self-respect encourage him to try to counter the intrusion of Curley's wife, but he is humiliated by her vicious threats.  His new optimism is finally defeated by George's dismissive attitude to the suggestion that he might participate in the running of the "Dream Farm".

Crooks loses out on a lot of things because he is not part of the white community.  He loses out mainly on ...

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