Discuss how the opening scene of 'Lost' transforms the main character into a believable hero for the audience.

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                                                                                                 Christopher Boutari   10F

English – Media Coursework

“Heroes are not born; they are made.” Discuss how the opening scene of ‘Lost’ transforms the main character into a believable hero for the audience.

    What various implications does the seemingly simple term ‘hero’ connote? Is the imagery of this term lucid, resembling a portrait of Superman, as others would believe? Or is it your favourite idol, or possibly your own mother? To my essential understanding, any human being is a potential hero.  What distinguishes this human as a hero is his/her general personality and deeds; a heroic deed is any deed that entails strong sacrifice, nobility and bravery. It is when you act outside and beyond your normal boundaries that you act in a heroic way. The television series ‘Lost’ captures the very essence of how an average looking man can successfully transform into a convincing heroic figure. The series was developed by the institution ‘ABC’ (American Broadcasting Company). The story revolves around people with different cultural backgrounds and personalities stranded on an island and struggling to escape as a result of the unfortunate aftermath of a plane crash, hence the program name. Accurately unfolding the genre, I would describe it as “suspense”, placed in a television series for viewers to continuously watch. The age group this series would appeal to would consist of audience at ages 13-50. In the following essay, I will include extensive use in examination of various media techniques, and I will evaluate aspects of media used including lighting, sound and the mise-en-scene factor. I will also assess the ways in which the camera plays a major role in all scenes. These aspects of media indirectly act influentially towards how the audience understands the characters and how they are portrayed.  


    The opening sequence of ‘Lost’ takes place in what would appear to be the middle of an unknown jungle. The only character we see is a man in a business suit, lying on the jungle floor. Upon first impressions he seems well dressed, although slightly disheveled as he has sustained minor facial wounds. This suggests he is an everyday ‘normal’ character; a questionable professional, in any field, who has found himself in an anomalous situation, therefore leaving unanswered questions for the audience to pore on. Prior to viewing his full body, a birds-eye-view close-up reveals his pupils beginning to dilate, which is emblematic of fear. This evokes an air of mystery, and causes the audience to instantaneously shift their full attention towards the protagonist, and attempt to identify with him. Erratically, a mysterious dog emerges from nowhere, and abruptly runs away in fear, perhaps from something dangerous. This is off-setting because golden retrievers are not indigenous to a tropical island. As the protagonist rises to his feet, more techniques are employed to involve the audience and develop his identification. A bottle of vodka emerges from his pocket and the protagonist is now revealed to have been drinking. However, he previously appeared to be a professional. The alternative interpretations created at this point indicate a bizarre state of the stability of his character, which contributes to the sense of mystery and unknowing of previous events which led to this circumstance. Diagetic sounds, including heavy breathing and groaning, are employed. Non-diagetic elements conduce the sense of mystery and unease. High pitched strings and harrowing piano notes shape the soundtrack, creating an eerie atmosphere as the protagonist contemplates his surroundings.

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    As he bursts into an intense run, low angle camera shots and low key lighting are maintained, as the camera does a tracking shot to keep up with him. Pending this conjuncture, an unanticipated white shoe on a branch is recognised. This, along with the preceding incidents, builds an aroma of confusion and leads the audience to believe that something is going fatally wrong.


    The protagonist finally comes to a halt when eccentric new surroundings ensnare the background. The character mysteriously finds himself in a calm, resort-like beach, where tranquility appears ...

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