Discuss the function of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls

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Discuss the function of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls

John Boynton Priestly in 1945 wrote the play ‘An Inspector Calls’ but set it in 1912. This time difference creates a sense of dramatic irony as the play was written after it was set. The audience would be aware of the events which had taken place between 1912 and 1945, including world war one and two which they would no doubt have experience first hand.

        ‘An Inspector Calls’ was first performed in Russia, Moscow. This is significant because of the Russian Revolution, which was a system of collective social responsibility where the sate owned everything and used the wealth to look after its citizens. As England was left destroyed due to the world war, therefore there would have been very few playhouses, so Russia had to be alternative for performing the play.

        The play is set in three scenes. The entire play is set in the dining room of Mr Birling’s house. In contrast this creates claustrophobia and tension as the characters in the play feel as if they are trapped, nowhere to go until the truth is revealed. Although the play is about the death of a young girl called Eva Smith who has committed suicide. Due to this mysterious death, the Birling family has a nasty surprise waiting. The Birling’s are meant to have a high status in their community and they all have done bad things, which has forced a young woman to kill herself. In the play, it reveals what each of them did which leads to Eva Smiths death. As the play concludes we find out that, the inspector has been questioning the Birling family for moral values and their sense of social responsibilities.

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The inspector is not only a character in the play; he is a dramatic device who has several essential functions. He helps create the structure of the play, by asking questions on Eva smith. J.B Priestly also uses the inspector to create mystery and makes the story confusing at times. Furthermore, Priestly uses the inspector as a dramatic and structural device to affect the audience and help move the play along.


The inspector makes us aware of social divide as well as gender divide through out the play. At first men have more power over the women. However, ...

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