Discussing three events (End of Act 1, 3 and 4) from the Crucible.

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I have chosen three events (End of Act 1, 3 and 4) from the Crucible. I have chosen them because they create anxiety and show the relationships between Arthur Miller’s experiences of McCarthyism and how he creates dramatis irony. The crucible is about the witchcraft trials that took place 200 years ago. The consequence of the witchcraft hunt was that people were hanged and many people confessed to being witches because they didn’t want to be hung.  

The significance of this to Arthur miller was that during those days there had been hysteria about McCarthyism. Since 1938, an organisation called the house of Un-American activities committee had been in existence in America. They had the power to investigate any movement or person who apparently threatened the safety of America. This committee under the chairmanship of Senator McCarthy became paranoid and excited in its witch hunt of communist sympathisers amongst the American people during a time when America feared communists. people were charge by McCarthy as communist sympathisers .they were pressured to give other people’s names who were then sought out in the witch hunt. Among the various actors, liberal writers and directors, Arthur Miller was accused as well. His experience made him remember the witch trials that happened two centuries before and made him write the Crucible.

The basic element of the story was that the good person was Arthur Miller since he refused to admit that he was a communist and likewise in the Crucible John Proctor. The bad person was Senator McCarthy and in the Crucible it was a mixture of Abigail, Parris, Putnam and Danforth who people in society felt was superior to them. The lie was that people were accused of being a communist in the late 1940s and in the Crucible for being a witch. The impact was that either they confessed or were blacklisted (can’t work anymore) and similarly in the Crucible, the people were either confessed, tortured to death or were hanged. Arthur Miller wanted to show the audience that the witchcraft trials in the 1690s and McCarthyism during the early 1950s were exactly the same-a big lie which took lives of innocent people.

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From the first act I would be discussing bout the hysteria scene .in this scene Abigail accuses Tituba for witchcraft and claims that she send her spirits out and made Abigail drink blood. Since Tituba is a salve she doesn’t have much value in the society during those days. “She makes me drink blood". If I was the stage director I would want her to say this line in a fiercful, aggressive tone to prove to others on stage that she is really telling the truth. Her aggressive, enraged eyes and tense nose would prove that she is serious. ...

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