Dramatic Monologue

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James Bevan


Dramatic Monologue- Draft 2

Scene:- Dug-out in the French trenches. It's cold, wet, windy, harsh weather. A soldier is crouching down in the dirt, shaking. Gunfire and explosions are continuous in the background.

"I'm going to my mams this Christmas. She reckons I'll be home in time this year an' that 'all this nonsense will come to an end soon. "It has to!" she insists. "Otherwise it'll be Christmas day on me 'own again". Billy laughed at me when I told him this. "Bullshit son! Home by Christmas indeed! Your old lady must be 'avin a laugh, I'm tellin' you!" is all I got out of him, followed by bouts of somewhat forced laughter. I don't mind him laughing though, he looks after me he does. "Don't put up with any crap off any of the other guys. They give you sh*t, you throw it right back at 'em, you hear?". He kind of took me under his wing when I signed up. He knew the ropes, knew what to do to get by and the things your not to do if you don't want to go home in a six and a half by three foot box."
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[ Wipes sweat off forehead and edges further along the trench, staying tight to the wall ]

"It's been hell since he's gone. Travelling home first class in a box- I think not. That would be a luxury. He's with the rest of them, poor bastards, thrown in a f*cking hole. Disposed of. Cast aside. 'Thanks for your life son but your no use to us now, so we're going to let you rot in a shitty excuse for a grave if thats ok by you?'. Thoughtless b*stards."

[ Soldier takes a long, deep breathe and ...

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